What actually happened during “The Conjuring”

The events of the “Conjuring” can be a bit misunderstood. You might have seen the movies but they are almost completely fiction. so I am going to tell you the story of what happened in 1971 with the Perron family in their house. What happened to them and why did it happen.


The Beginning


The beginning dates back to 1675 going back to the King Philip’s War that lasted from 1675-1678. The King Philip’s War was a war where Colonists relentlessly wanted more land from Native tribes. When they wouldn’t give land they went to war with tribes like the  Narragansett, Wampanoag and many smaller tribes. The property that the house was on was “One of the bloodiest battles during King Philip’s War.” When one of the Perrons’ daughters heard from a spirit that there were 7 dead soldiers in the wall. Later they found 5 bodies around the property.


The “Dark Times”


The “Dark times” happened in around the 1830s-1870s when someone named Bathsheba Sherman who was believed to be a witch because of the things she was accused of. She was accused of murdering babies with sewing needles at night. After Bathsheba Sherman died, “her malevolent supposedly haunted the house.” The house was already home to a bunch of tragedies like the King Philip’s War but what bathsheba sherman was accused of added a lot of more stuff to this property. Probably a lot more haunted stuff


The Hauntings


In June of 1970, Carolyn Perron found a farmhouse by accident. In December of 1970, the Perrons bought the house and on January 11th, 1971, Roger and Carolyn Perron with their kids Andrea, Nancy, Christine, Cynthia, and April moved into a 3109 square foot house over an 8 acre property in Harrisville, Rhode Island. They had just moved in the house, and stuff already started to happen. 


Throughout the 10 years that the Perrons lived here, they had experienced the paranormal in a way that has never been seen before from them. They were being scratched and tugged and touched and one of the kids would see the spirits haunting throughout the night some nights when they lived there. Sometimes the beds of the children would get pulled and the family would get harassed constantly by spirits.


All of these things led to demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren to investigate the house. They did a bunch of stuff like putting jingle bells on door handles and put microphones throughout the house to listen for paranormal stuff


In 1973, Carolyn Perron was acting really strange and the rest of the family didn’t know what to do. She had become really weird and the family was scared. The family thought she was possessed so they got Ed and Lorraine Warren. Since Ed Warren was a Priest, he performed an exorcism on her.


The Exorcism


The exorcism would take place in the Living room in which Carolyn Perron was tied up in a chair and Ed Warren started the exorcism. While Ed was doing the exorcism, it happened. The chair that Carolyn Perron was on was levitated and thrown 25 feet to the other room. The family was in shock and thought she was dead. Roger Perron was so mad at Ed and he kicked them out.


Present Day


Many people have investigated the house and the property trying to find out what happened, how it happened, and why it happened. Out of the many people who have investigated and how much they investigated, we know a bit more about why everything happened, who caused it, and why they wanted to do it.


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