Seasons: What about them?

Seasons: What about them?

We all know about the 4 seasons that come around every year. Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. But all of those seasons have good sides and not-so-good sides. So, today we are going to go over all of the good and bad things about these seasons.


Let’s start with Summer! Everyone knows that Summer is a warm even hot season that almost everyone loves. You get a nice long break from school, and you get to wake up and go to bed whenever, and you don’t have any significant responsibilities. That is the main reason why people like this season the best. The things that kids and even some adults complain about the most is not getting enough sleep so Summer is just the perfect time to soak up all the sleep that you can for a couple months. However, this season still has some downsides like the extreme heat, the outdoor duties (mowing the lawn and weeding the flowerbed), and waiting in long lines because everyone is free since it’s summer. Summer has good and bad things to balance out but this season is often associated with good feelings because people enjoy it so much. So overall, this season is definitely a winner and most people’s favorite season.


The next season we will be talking about is Fall! Fall has so many good things and some bad things about it. Starting with the good things we have the perfect temperature and the perfect weather! Since summer just ended and it is beginning to cool off, fall is a nice breezy season that has the perfect temperature to just chill outside and run around without overheating but you also don’t get cold because it’s not quite freezing yet. Another good thing about fall is the beautiful leaves and the amazing canyon trips with your family. The leaves start to change from green to oranges, reds, pinks, and browns! They are all so pretty! Then your family goes up into the canyon and takes beautiful pictures and has a nice picnic and then a campfire to end the night. And, you get to have thanksgiving and feast on all kinds of good foods! All of these things sound dreamy and amazing but there are still some bad things. First, you have to go back to school in the fall, summer activities are all closed since it is starting to get colder, and you can’t spend as much time outside as you used to. So fall is kind of like the middle child in the family because it is forgotten about until it becomes fall and then people just take it for granted. But fall is a good season to spend with your family.


Now for Winter! Winter is a fun season to spend with friends and family. It is the season of giving and service! A few plus sides to this season would be gift-giving and receiving, family traditions, fun outdoor activities, and 2 weeks off from school! People make so many family traditions during the winter season because the family is all together since there aren’t a lot of outside activities that are free. But some of the outdoor activities are things like ice skating, hockey, sledding, snowshoeing, skiing, snowboarding, and so many other things as well. While Winter seems like a lot of outdoor and family fun, there are still some bad things to this season. One of those bad things is the cold obviously! People dread wintertime coming around because of the cold. You can’t spend time outside without having to get on 3 different layers of clothing. One of the other bad things about Winter is that everything gets wet from snow and sometimes rain. When you wear shoes outside you walk through the slush and the snow and the puddles and then you drag it inside your house making everything wet and dirty. And no one likes to clean up that big mess. However, Winter is still a great season to spend with anyone and everyone.


And lastly Spring. This season is kind of like Fall. Everyone enjoys it because it is starting to warm up but it’s not super hot yet. It’s the time when people get to go outside and have a nice picnic or go to the park or play an outdoor sport with family and friends. The main thing that people like so much about this season is that all of the flowers and plants start to come back to life and look so pretty! Spring is the time of the season when people truly notice the earth’s beauty for what it is. But don’t be fooled by the beauty of this season, there are still some downsides to Spring. For example, lots of people start getting allergies from the pollen of flowers and plants and from all of the insects that are coming back to life. Some of these allergies can cause discomfort or even pain occasionally to the people that experience them yearly. Not all people experience allergies though so spring can still be a great season for people.

So there you have it. All of the goods and bads of the four seasons that we experience. Just because I listed some good things and bad things, that doesn’t mean that they are bad to everyone so keep that in mind.

Why Pokemon Go Is The Best Mobile Game

Why Pokemon Go Is The Best Mobile Game

Pokemon Go is one of the best mobile games because it has unique gameplay and how it will encourage people to go outside and exercise and get fit and also enjoy exercising.

The pokemon go gameplay is unique because how you play the game you have to go outside and walk around in real life in order to walk around in the game you are walking around to catch Pokemon or spin the Poke stops to get pokeballs and supplies or you could walk to gyms to fight other pokemon with your pokemon there is also an ar mode that makes it look like the pokemon are right in front of you in real life. There’s lots of pokemon to catch so you would have to play so much in order to finish this game and catch all of the pokemon and there is so much pokemon there will be a lot a variation in them like there are cool turtles or dragons and much more of them if you wanted to you could pick one of the pokemon that you have caught and make it you buddy and your buddy will follow you around on your adventure.

In other games like candy crush there is so little to do every level is the same and no variation at all and you don’t have to move in real life to play the game so the game doesn’t encourage exercise and this game you can also play with friends but in other games there mostly single player and that can be fun but games are a lot funner with friends.

this game will encourage you to go outside and exercise and have fun while doing it while other games will encourage people will sit in a dark room playing games on their phone all day and not going outside which will mean you will not be getting enough vitamin D which will result in low amounts of energy and it could ruin your sleep schedule and with exercise and going outside will make you more active and enjoy going outside instead of sitting inside all day
And when you go to the app and look at the game on the app store you can see that the game has a 4 out of 5 stars which shows that other people besides me enjoy playing this game pokemon go is one of the top rates on the app store

Top 5 BEST movies

Top 5 BEST movies

This is all about the top 10 best movies to watch! We are going to start with number 10 which is at the bottom but that doesn’t mean that it’s terrible and then go up to number 1 which is the BEST! Let’s get into it.

Starting with number 5 we have, Avatar: The way of the water

This movie has an average rating of 3.3 stars out of 5. While this movie is good, people often complain about how long it is. Its total running time is 3 hours and 12 minutes! That’s longer than the second lord of the rings and only 10 minutes shorter than the first and third. So overall, it’s a good movie but you have to be committed to sitting for a while to finish it.

Number 4 is the classic, Elf

Elf is a 2003 film that is 1 hour and 37 minutes long. It’s not too long or too short! It stars Will Ferrell as buddy the elf. If you are looking for a good comedy to watch, this is the show for you! It’s a good movie for all ages and everyone can enjoy it! The average star rating for this classic film is 4.25 out of 5. That is more than most movies. Lots of people say that it is a family-friendly show that’s entertaining, hilarious, and deserves an award but this movie already has 2 awards and 7 other nominations. This is one good movie that everyone should watch!

In third place, we have the Peanut butter Falcon

The Peanut Butter Falcon is an adventure, comedy, inspirational, and family film. Its running time is 1 hour and 36 minutes, so it’s not that long and you can watch it all in one sitting! The star rating of this movie is 4.75 stars out of 5! The movie has won 4 awards and has 5 other nominations. The one thing that people say is bad about this movie would be that it’s sad throughout most of the movie and it could do without some of those parts. But this movie is still amazing and a recommended watch for all.

The movie that is in second place is A Man Called Otto

This movie fits into categories such as comedy, drama, and family. It stars Tom Hanks as Otto Anderson. The rating of this movie is 4.35 stars out of 5! The running time of this movie is 2 hours and 6 minutes. Lots of people are saying that this movie is one of the best and most heartwarming movies in the year 2023. Another thing that a lot of people are saying about this new movie is that Tom Hanks could do a lot better. So there you have it, a man called Otto is one good heartwarming movie.

And finally, the movie that’s in first place is… Puss in boots: The Last Wish

This movie has an astonishing 4.9 stars! This movie has a running time of 1 hour and 42 minutes. It stars Antonio Banderas as puss in boots. He is one of the most famous voice actors out there. Puss in boots: The Last Wish fits in the categories of comedy, family, adventure, and children. However, just because it fits into the category of children doesn’t mean that just kids can enjoy it. Lots of the reviews about this movie are saying things like, “The Last Wish is a heartfelt adventure caper that tackles anxiety with surprising empathy and wit.” Another one is, “A few cast members should have been lost in the woods but overall this one’s a winner!” So as you can see, Puss in boots: The final wish is a great movie for all ages and teaches a lot about friend and family bonds and relationships.

There you have it! The top 5 best movies! Everyone should watch these highly recommended movies with their family and friends whenever and wherever.

What’s Happening to the Ocean

What’s Happening to the Ocean

Have you ever been to the beach during the colder months and noticed how peaceful and quiet it is? While it may not be as crowded as during the summer, the ocean and beach still need our help all year round. Did you know that cleaning up during the winter, spring, and fall is just as important as during the peak beach season?

You see, the ocean is a beautiful place full of amazing creatures like dolphins, sea turtles, and colorful fish. But when we leave our trash behind, it can harm these creatures and their homes. Plastic bags can look like jellyfish to sea turtles, and they can eat them by mistake. This can make them sick or even cause them to die. And when fish eat tiny bits of plastic, it can end up in our food, too!

Big bottle and a piece of cloth floating

That’s why it’s so important for us to clean up the ocean and beach during the winter, spring, and fall when fewer people are around. Just because it’s not the peak beach season doesn’t mean we can ignore the problem of ocean pollution. In fact, it’s even more important to clean up during these times because that’s when the beach is least popular.

But cleaning up the beach isn’t just about saving the animals,  it is also about taking care of our planet. The ocean provides us with so many things we need, like the air we breathe (yes, the ocean makes air. Look it up) and the food we eat. If we don’t start taking better care of it now, we could end up with a lot of problems in the future.


What Can We Do?

So, how can we help clean up the ocean and beach during the winter, spring, and fall? Well, one easy way is to join a beach cleanup event in your area. These events are usually organized by local groups or schools and are a great way to make a difference with your friends and family. You can pick up trash, collect recyclables, and learn more about why it’s so important to keep our oceans clean.

Another way to help is to reduce the amount of plastic you use in your everyday life. Instead of using plastic bags, bring a reusable tote when you go shopping. And if you see trash on the ground, pick it up and throw it away in a proper bin. Every little bit helps, and together we can make a big difference.

Cleaning up the ocean and beach during the winter, spring, and fall may not be as glamorous as doing it in the summer, but it’s just as important. By taking care of our planet all year round, we can ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the beauty of the ocean and all that it has to offer.

Together, we can make a positive impact on our oceans and beaches. By spreading awareness about the importance of cleaning up year-round, we can help protect the environment and the creatures that call it home. Encourage your friends and family to join in and make a difference. Share information on social media, participate in local clean-up events, and educate others on how they can reduce their plastic consumption.

It’s up to us to take responsibility for our actions and make a commitment to protect our planet. Every small effort adds up, and together, we can create a cleaner and healthier environment for all. So let’s continue to show love and respect for our oceans and beaches, not just in the summer, but all year round. Let’s work together to make a difference and preserve the beauty of our planet for future generations to enjoy.

So, next time you visit the beach during the off-season, remember to take a few minutes to pick up any trash you see. The ocean and its creatures will thank you for it, and so will our planet. Let’s work together to keep our oceans clean and beautiful for years to come!

Why Kids Need Screen Time {satire}

Kids, no matter if you hate them or not, can’t be on social media. Social media, Roblox or even any other game is damaging their brains. They can’t get off their screens and it’s turning them into little devils. 


Some people think of kids nowadays as cute little innocent people. Not ipad babies, when a kid is growing up, slacking off and getting whatever they want, you as a parent have created the devil. Parents are the fault of creating these devils. As a parent you have to set boundaries, you can’t just slack off on your kids and give them whatever they want. When you do this you make your kids think the world revolves around them, when in reality it doesn’t. That’s how you get ipad babies or 10 year old sephora girlies. 

This is why kids need screen time/no social media. When you create a screen time you set boundaries as a parent. Which then doesn’t mess them up. The possibilities are endless. Kids get better sleep, they go outside more, they can get less depressed, and most importantly they don’t turn into little devils. 


So in reality these kids are messed up. Most of the time it’s the parents fault because they are not parenting and they give their kids whatever they wish for and it creates demands. We will see what happens to these kids but it does not look good for them.  


                                        How to set boundaries

So you now realize that your kid is a brat, but how do you set boundaries? Well it’s pretty easy actually. Just become the one in charge, that’s it, all you have to do is establish your the one in charge, your the parent. Then you can establish rules to set boundaries, that makes your kids slowly realize the world doesn’t revolve around them. Thus making them into sweet little angels. Hopefully. 


                                       Let’s be honest here….

I can’t keep talking about this until I just have to be very specific right now. Kids that are angels aren’t really angels. Kids in general are idiotic, annoying, know it alls. You have already heard me say let’s set up screen time for these kids, but here’s a better idea. Why can’t we just have every kid each year take a simple test to see if they are a brat? Then if they are, we put them under house arrest for a year until they can take the test again. When the kid comes of age, at 18, they don’t have to take the test, thus they’re free and don’t have to take the test ever again, or just get off house arrest. 

This whole idea sounds lovely because then you don’t have annoying 10 year old sephora girlies, or ipad babies. Adults could go and do things, and they don’t have to run into the annoying kids, and if they do run into kids, they’re not brats. This will benefit adults’ sanity and it will teach the kids to be a well rounded human being. 

{So then your kid is not the picture below but they are the one below the picture below.}

Not this 

Yes please. 


So in conclusion yes kids do need screen time and yes this idea does propose this. But wouldn’t putting kids under house arrest be so much easier. You’ve heard the points and it would be so easy just to get rid of the kids. Yes they still have to go to school, but if the kid is under house arrest then you don’t have to see them in public. It’s a win win for everyone.

The top 5 Nintendo Game in 2024

The top 5 Nintendo Game in 2024

As many people know the company Nintendo, a wide variety of online or non online games to pick from. To Super smash bros To Splatton, But have you ever wanted to play a new game or find some interesting one to look at. Here are the top 5 Nintendo games so far in 2024.


At number five we have Super Smash Bros.

A fun game where you can be a single player or a multiple player game where you get to fight, gain special abilities, and unlock characters to play.Your adjective at the game is to knock players off the fighting platform to increase the health bar and make them lose the match.

Super Smash Bros originally came out in 1999 in Japan on January 21, the original production was HAL Laboratory, HAL Laboratory now make characters or effects like Kirby or the dachshund dog very well known silly characters but they are very famous for Super Smash Bros.


At number 4 we have Animal Crossing: New Horizons

A game for building a cozy life and interacting with the friendly naborse in the animal crossing village. After moving to a deserted island and getting tasted by the raccoon, Tom nooks your character and you have to complete tasks and continue expanding your area to develop the island to accomplish the game. The game Animal crossing was originally found by Katsuya Eguchi and Hisashi Nogami, Before publishing animal Eguch and Nogami were originally going to make the name for animal crossing to “Dōbutsu no Mori ” (short for animal forest.) In my opinion and maybe for others I’m very glad they decided on Animal crossing.


At number 3 we have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

For all of the mario, princes peach, and toed fans im sure you will be quite interested to hear this. Your or the opponent collects unique abilities that stop each other from going past the finish line. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was formed in April, 2017 by DLC (Downloadable content).


And next for number 2 we got The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 

A story line where zelda a( reincarnation of the goddess Hylia) and Link (counterpart who is destined to fight that evil and restore peace to the people of Hyrule.) travel in a cave where a poisonice like feeling falls around the cave cursing people to fall sick now link and zelda have to figure out what really is going on.


We talked about the top five games this year but you still don’t know what game that fully interests you. Well I have a game that might blow your mind because of how AMAZING the Splatoon series is.

 1 Splatoon

As an inkling you meet an old man named Captain cuttlefish, he says that the zap fish is missing and you are the only agent who can get it. You travel underground to face off the evil Octo Links to recover the zapfish and fight the boss. There are 1-20 levels in splatoon 1 and you only have 3 lives each station. Once you reach the boss you face the king “DJ Octavio” once you beat him you will get rewards and maybe go explore the inkopolis is a large city in Inkadia (also known as Greater Inkopolis) were you are greeted with the squid sister for the news ( if you go up to the screen for long enough they will wave at you.) The squid sisters are the famous idle group of two, they are actually cousins not sisters. Callie the younger cousin is a bright squid girl with so much energy and she is also known as Agent 1 for the great Splatoon break. Marie, the older cousin is more of the serious and sarcastic one who has a stubborn attitude but both of them together is a wish come true. Splatoon 1 is only made for the WII so some people dont play it as much because they don’t make the WII nor Spatoon 1, so if you  have both of those then you are one lucky squid. That is all the hints i will be giving so no spoilers for Splatoon 2/3.


What is your favorite subject we talked about or something you want to share?



What I want to see in splatoon 4!

What I want to see in splatoon 4!

 Some people think that the splatoon series is finally over (RIP.) Well it’s not! As one of the biggest franchises in Tokyo for splatoon, it is likely impossible for the splatoon company to stop the gaming system of squid/ octoling kids. Here are the top 3 things I hope to see and really hope to stay in the game that I can only hope will come true!

1.Where it should take place.

 Usually inklings and octolings spend their time in inktoplis or splatvile. What if instead of a city or a hub, it took place in the tropical regions!I feel there are more things to do and it would just be more exciting with parts to discover and the benefits of the region. picture this, inklings and octolings have been on this island for generations and you somehow end up on the island to discover what the island holds and what it shifted into so the species can survive in it. When you discover new things in the habitable splat island you find hidden ruins and mysterious items and see new encounters( in the story mode.) I feel there should be a natural sorta light at night like glowing coral in the sea or sea algae lighting things up in houses or something. And you could visit the beach but probably don’t go in the water. I believe it would be fun to go in the water but sense inklings and octoligs usually dissolve when they hit about half way or above head (my theory.) When you go past waste when you enter the ocean you spawn with a flowtie. I love that idea! It would be handy and you can watch your splatoon character ACTUALLY have a break! They usually have a hyper attack just standing there. I love splatvile and inktopolis but I feel it would be a lot more attractive  if we live in a place other than a city. I feel it would make people more interested to explore and do random shenanigans.

2.New species. ( all the art will be linked at the end of the paragraph.)

I LOVE inklings and octolings but what if splatoon added new species with the inklings and octolings. Over the past few years people have had this idea and started to make fan-based fan art. and here are the ones I completely agree with, and that should be in splatoon 4.

Sharklings. I feel that sharklings would be great to have in splatoon.and specs of their face and fins would glow in the dark! It’s new and something that I know splatoon fans would look forward to too. I feel when you pick them as a character they’re kinda grumpy and devious and just don’t want any part of you. I feel like these certain things in just one splatoon character would make people head over heels for them just being there.

Starling. I love this idea! I was watching a YouTube video about a new species and I need a cocky starling in my life! There ends of their star..limbs. Would be cute! I feel one side would look like sweet angles and the other just self absorbed but in the best way. I know for sure A LOT of people would hype for them and there over all spunky look to them! 

Harelings. OK just imagine the sweetest little slug people in the world (like flow!) and the shortest species! I think their little slug form would just be so cute! their little antenna things there would glow at night! I feel a lot of kind people who play splatoon would Adore this!

Jellyling. So these are one of my favorite things that people have come up with and what they look like. I picture a very shy species that’s taller than most species, such as inklings and octolings,harelings, and mantalings. I think it would be cool if they have their jellyfish kinda thing as a hat and the cheeks and had glowing parts to them at night! People would DIE for this (including me.)

Mantalings. I need one in my life. They’re so mysterious looking and I just want to stare at their eyes forever!

I feel that species would look at them and think they’re scary but when you get to know them they are very nice!(But they still might look scary.) I feel like they would have a lot of different behaviors but they’re just so cute there my new friends now and all i can do is hope and pray these little babies come to splatoon! 

There are even more, but I’m just stating the ones I felt deeply passionate about.


I drew some Mantalings! : r/splatoon

Character concept for a new “Inkling-like” species based on starfish 😀 : r/ splatoon

Project Splatoon 3 – Harelings, playable species concept based on sea hares : r/splatoon

Jellylings! New Species contest | Splatoon Amino

Splatoon adopt!! 🦈🌊 Got a sharkling for shark week this time! They’re a surfer! They love to collect shells


  1. DLC

 Side order recently came out and people were hyped about off the hook being in it and more of marina’s secrets!

What if in the DLC your character accidentally falls in a trap and discovers agent 3 trapped in these dark parts of the underground caves under the trap. And you find the Idols searching this mysterious place too and you end up fighting the jungle myths only to figure out it’s real!

I might not give anything else out in case if im actually right if I am… that’s cool.


What do you have in mind that you want to see in splatoon 4!


Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024

Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024

On April 8 2024 there is going to be a total solar eclipse in the United States.

Mexico, the United States, and a bit of Canada, are going to be able to see the total eclipse. With the surrounding states, such as California or Arizona, will only get a partial eclipse at the maximum.

How long will totality be and why does it happen?

The duration of the totality is up to four minutes and twenty-seven seconds. Which is nearly double the time of The Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017. The 2017 total solar eclipse was witnessed by about twenty million people from Oregon to South Carolina.


A solar eclipse occurs when the moon lines up perfectly with the Earth and the Sun, causing it to block out the sunlight. It takes a few hours before the moon’s shadow slices a diagonal line from the southwest to the northeast across North America, briefly plunging communities along the track into darkness. The reason why totality lasts longer is because, by a cosmic stroke of luck, the moon will make the month’s closest approach to Earth the day before the total solar eclipse. That puts the moon just 223,000 miles away on eclipse day. This causes the moon to appear slightly bigger in the sky thanks to the proximity which results in the sun being blocked by the moon longer. When a closer moon pairs up with a more distant sun, totality can last as long as an astounding seven and a half minutes. The last time the world saw more than seven minutes of totality was in 1973 over Africa. That won’t happen again until 2150 over the Pacific. This is a shame because most and or all of the people seeing the April 8 2024 solar eclipse will all be dead.


How do you get the best view and what do you need?



People are getting tickets to go to Texas and Mexico for the best views on the eclipse. Some hotels charge $500 a night or more if they’re even available! Along with some hotels doing a three-night stay at minimum around the eclipse. Camping is also a viable option.

Sunglasses aren’t going to be of any use during an eclipse. A good way to get ready for the eclipse is to get special glasses that are specially made for eclipses. Make sure that these glasses aren’t torn or have any scratches. The moments that you can take off the glasses are when the moon has completely covered the sun aka the full eclipse, but don’t take off the glasses before or after totality. Cameras, binoculars, and telescopes must be outfitted with special solar filters for safe viewing. Bottom line, never look at an exposed sun without proper protection any day of the year. Along with already booking places to stay, how to get there, and things to do wherever you are staying.

Don’t worry too much if you don’t have front-row seats. All of the United States will be able to see at minimum a partial solar eclipse. Others at a maximum of a total solar eclipse. Hope and pray to the weather gods that the clouds don’t cover the eclipse!

The next total solar eclipse and information on it.


The next total solar eclipse will be in 2026. Which will grace the northern fringes of Greenland, Iceland, and Spain. Unfortunately, North America won’t experience totality again until 2033. Even with that, Alaska is getting sole dibs. Then that’s it until 2044, when totality will be confined to Western Canada, Montana, and North Dakota. There also will not be another U.S. eclipse, spanning coast to coast, until 2045. That one will stretch from Northern California to Cape Canaveral, Florida.

For most of its path over North America, the eclipse will occur in the early- to mid-afternoon. If you stay outside the path of totality and drive in on eclipse day. Be forewarned, there will be tons of traffic in many places. Go early and keep in mind that totality lasts longer the closer you are to the path’s center line.

Are you going to go see the full thing? Or are you going to stay at home and look at the partial eclipse? Let us know down below!

Think i missed anything or want to know more? Check out the articles used!

KSL, NASA, Great America, AP News, Time and Date,

The Orcinus Orca

The Orcinus Orca

The Orcinus Orca, also called the killer whale or orca. Orcas travel with groups which are called “Pods”. Within each pod, they establish complex social hierarchies, with females at the top. A baby orca is called a calf.

Orcas are mostly if not always with a pod. Orcas are also called the “Killer Whale” because of ancient sailors’ observations of groups of orcas hunting and preying on larger whale species.


Where Orcas live, what they eat, and what they look like 


An Orca can live in very cold places but they can also live in places such as SeaWorld. They can be found in all oceans across the world along with some being in captivity. Orcas travel in a pod(s) because they hunt together and share responsibility for raising young and taking care of the sick or injured


Orcas in the wild can eat salmon, seals, and other smaller animals. Killer Whales can eat everything from fish to walruses, seals, sea lions, penguins, squid, sea turtles, sharks, and even other kinds of whales. The orca’s bite force is estimated to be around 19,000 pounds per square inch (psi), while the great white shark’s bite is closer to 4,000 psi. An orca’s teeth are designed for tearing or shredding, but not for chewing; they consume their food in chunks or swallow their prey whole.


Orcas can be very different but the normal is Black and white. There is a quite rare kind of Orca which causes it to be completely white.The difference between a male and a female is that a male will have a taller, more straight fin and a female will have a smaller fin and will be kind of curved. The reason for orcas having white spots on them is so that they can camouflage from their prey.


Endangerment of the Orcinus Orca


Orcas are endangered because of being hunted and found dead on beaches, along with the lack of prey (chinook salmon), and pollution. Orcas aren’t the only animals suffering from these things. Everyone’s favorite sea turtles are also endangered because of pollution. Pollution is something that we has humans are causing. Some animals are specifically endangered by humans. We can save thousands of animals if we as humans could stop polluting the water and throwing away trash. It’s a small thing but it can actually save a lot of different animals.


How long can a orca grow?


On average a male orca will grow out to be around 27 feet long. With the average female orca growing out to be 23 feet long. The babies are usually around 8.5 feet long, and that’s a baby!


Orcas on the food chain of the ocean/the marine food chain

Orcas on the food chain are at the top as they have no predators other than humans. Orcas can eat just about anything because of orcas always traveling in a pod. You might be thinking, “ What  about sharks? Sharks are at the top of the marine food chain, not orcas.” while yes sharks are high on the food chain, orca is the top. Many believe that sharks are at the top and yet orcas have been seen killing and eating sharks. 


Why are orcas so strong and other attributes


The reason for orcas being able to do this is because of orcas always traveling in a pod. Sharks travel alone. A pod can have 2 – 30 orcas. So reeling thinking about it, it can be one shark against 30 orcas. Orcas are able to hunt down and kill larger prey because of their larger body mass and muscular build help them take down larger prey, like sharks. 


The reason for orcas being quite intelligent is because orcas have a highly developed insula and cingulate sulcus that give them self-awareness, understanding of social relationships, and empathy, this making their brain closely alike a human brain. Surprisingly, orcas rarely attack humans. Because of their intelligence and social nature, orca whales are unlikely to attack humans out of aggression or hostility. In fact, there have been numerous instances of orca whales coming to the aid of humans who were in danger, such as when a group of orca whales helped a diver escape

 from a shark attack. Since they are usually friendly to humans or may be indifferent, you can actually swim with orcas! They won’t harm you unless you do something to stress them out. Orcas are among the many species now understood to experience grief, but they can also feeling pain and suffering.


How long can orcas live usually?


The average lifespan of a male orca is around 30 years but they can actually live up to 60 years. Females typically live about 50 years, but can live up to at least 90 years in the wild. You can tell and or estimate an orcas age by counting growth rings in teeth or ear plugs. 


What’s the orcas point of view?


Orcas are actually colorblind! They can see the different from light and dark but wouldn’t know when the light turned green or red. They contain just one type of cone, which corresponds to a color between red and green, depending on the species. Whales actually cannot see the color blue even though blue constantly surrounds them! Orcas just think humans are some odd thing, certainly not food, and not really anything that they are bothered by. Orcas are also actually curious of humans and somewhat fond of them (as long as we aren’t cruel to them).



Orcas are one of the most intelligent species we have on Earth. Orcas are considered a “keystone” species. Meaning that they are critically important for maintaining the health of marine ecosystems. If an orcas were removed from the ecosystem  the seal population could grow out of control and have a negative impact on other species in the food web. To put it simply, it would cause a disturbance in the food chain which can negatively affect the ecosystem. Yet here we are, 2024 and they’re an endangered species still! The orca endangerment was founded in 2005, around 20 years later they still are! Humans are the reasoning for this. We are destroying their main source of prey, by destroying their habitat. We can get orcas out of endangerment. We just have to stop polluting our oceans and leave the fish and other oceanic creatures alone.


That’s what i say at least. How about you? Opinions, thoughts, other reasons i might’ve missed, say it down below!

Lagoon, Utah’s only theme park

Lagoon, Utah’s only theme park

Lagoon is Utah’s only amusement park that holds some world records and has very intense roller coasters and flat rides.

Lagoon’s pros and cons


Lagoon has a great line up of roller coasters and flat rides giving you plenty of things to do while at Lagoon. Something that Lagoon does better than other independent parks is that they take really good care of their coasters. They have kept their coasters in very good condition, such as their wooden roller coaster. They change those tracks at least every year to make sure the coaster is safe and well taken care of. Not a fan of heights or are you scared? There are great family roller coasters and some calming and chill flat rides. Want chaos and thrill? There’s great and crazy roller coasters for you and some pretty intense flat rides. The problems though is the fact that Lagoon doesn’t have competition and that let’s them spike up the price like crazy, nearly being the same amount of money for a day pass at Disneyland. 


Lagoon’s rides


Lagoon has 11 roller coasters and 46 flat rides with 57 in total. The fan favorite roller coaster is Cannibal. Cannibal is actually a coaster that was made in house by Lagoon. More fan favorites are Wicked and Colossus. The Bat is a good family coaster, the restraints are over the shoulder and is the one roller coaster that you are suspended above. A favorite flat ride is Rocket. The Rocket is made of three independent structural steel towers, 217 feet tall. Two of the three towers have tracks with two very different thrill rides. 



(Talk about an intimidating roller coaster)

Cannibal opened on July 2, 2015. Cannibal lifts riders 208 feet and plunges them into a 116° beyond vertical free-fall into an underground tunnel. The 116°  beyond vertical makes Cannibal the tallest roller coaster in the world with a beyond vertical drop along with being the 5th steepest drop in the world and that’s done with JUST a lap bar. Cannibal is Lagoon’s most thrilling ride- including a 140 foot tall inverted loop and water feature. Riders travel up to 70 mph over 2,735 feet and through 4 inversions. You start the ride off going into a literal elevator and then you just see over before you go down the 116°  beyond vertical drop. The custom mega-coaster is unlike anything in the world and will eat other coasters in their tracks. That’s why it’s called “Cannibal”!


Cannibal is made in house by Lagoon themselves. Each cart holds a total of 12 people with 3 rows and 4 people per row. The coaster has 4 inversions and the first ever Lagoon Roll. A Lagoon roll is a counter-clockwise heartline roll immediately followed by a clockwise heartline roll or called a barrel roll, giving you some great hangtime by being pressed right up to the lap bar restraints. Cannibal on a scale of 1 – 10 has got to be a 10/10, i may be biased since it is my home park but this is truly a one of a kind coaster.


Colossus : The Fire Dragon

Colossus: The Fire Dragon was selected by People Magazine in 1984 as one of the top 10 coaster rides in the country! Colossus had opened up in 1983. Zooming through breathtaking 65-foot diameter loops, 75% of your body’s weight is pressed into the seat. The Fire Dragon is one-and-a-half times as high as the Lagoon Roller Coaster, and twice as high as Jet Star II. 


A great thing about Colossus is the fact that the line goes by pretty fast! Since the carts can hold a good amount of people in one go. This thing allowing you to just keep going on it ride after ride after ride. Pretty good ride and a solid 8.5/10 for me, i just wish it had a bit more to it.



Wicked was opened back on June 1 2007. Riders launch to the top of the 110-foot tower at speeds close to 41 mph by means of a linear synchronous motor (LSM) drive system, essentially rocketing riders up and over the top of the first hill. While riding Wicked there is a chance that the cart actually doesn’t make the launch. This is a rare occurrence but if it fails to finish the top hat then it will go back and they will reset the launch and get ready for launch once more.

The 8-rider vehicles travel individually and achieve speeds of up to 55 mph, passing through steep valleys, high-banked turns, a half-pipe, a heart-roll inversion and more. The lap/leg restraints will provide an exhilarating upper body freedom for riders. Something that can happen on Wicked is that on the launch the restraint pretty much staples you to your seat. How to prevent this is by holding onto the handles but also pushing forward on said handles on the restraint, but even if you get stapled while you’re waiting in the station to unload they actually release the restraints slightly since they know it hurts. Wicked gets a 8.5/10 same thing with Colossus, i wish it had more other than the launch.



Primordial is the newest roller coaster that Lagoon has being released in 2023. Primordial is a interactive coaster with roller coaster elements. There is eight different endings for you to get on Primordial, allowing you to get different endings when you ride it. 


There is an entire storyline but i won’t spoil anything. Primordial is a great family ride and just a great ride overall. Forgot to mention but Primordial was built in house by Lagoon, just like Cannibal. Overall i’d give it 7.5/10 since i wish it had more roller coaster parts but still a great ride!


Roller Coaster

No im not kidding it’s actually called “Roller Coaster”. To make this less confusing i will be referring to it as the Wooden Roller Coaster. In 1921 is when The Wooden Roller Coaster opened up. With it being over 100 years old at 103 years old, the Wooden Roller Coaster remains one of the most popular attractions at the Park, and one of only a few wooden coasters between Denver and the West Coast.  It is also one of the oldest roller coasters in the United States!


In 1953, a fire destroyed the front of the coaster. It was rebuilt the following year, and sections of the roller coaster are rebuilt from year to year. It is also called the White Roller Coaster because before said fire, it was painted white. A great ride and has a lot of airtime, overall a 8/10 for me.



BomBora is a dynamic coaster with numerous state-of-the-art high speed thrilling elements including sudden drops, banked turns, compound spirals, and more. An innovative 16-seat train pairs riders side by side accompanied by rocking music and elegantly lighted theming. The amply padded seat and restraint securely holds riders at the waist to provide exhilarating upper body freedom during the ride. 


Each seat may accommodate an adult or child rider. BomBora was opened on April 2, 2011. BomBora is a great ride to start out on if you’re scared of roller coasters since it is a fun but still calm family coaster. Due to BomBora being a family coaster, it isn’t one of my all time favorites but it is still a solid 5.5/10.


Until Next Time


I’m going to stop here for now. Next time when i talk about Lagoon i will have a interview with a actual roller coaster enthusiast. If you have some extra comments, some questions you want me to ask, maybe some hot takes, or even just what your favorite thing to do at Lagoon is. Just say it down below! Well hopefully you still have your ears and i didn’t talk them off but most importantly hopefully you look at my interview with a roller coaster enthusiast. See you hopefully next time!

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