ESSENTIAL things you should have on your Thanksgiving table

ESSENTIAL things you should have on your Thanksgiving table

This Thanksgiving, make dinner right. This Thanksgiving you should have certain things on your table that most people love. So put these on your table. (This is my opinion about some of these foods so if you like or don’t like them then don’t be offended.) and if every time you set your table and there’s not enough room on your table for people and food.No problem I might be able to help.


Things to have

Many things are just essential to a succesful Thanksgiving, and one of them is a turkey, of course. Along with turkey have mashed potatoes and gravy. mashed potatoes and turkey just belong together if you have one you should have the other. Another thing to have on the table is green bean casserole because why not. More foods you should have on the table are stuffing, cornbread, a salad, and a raspberry dessert with cool whip, and frozen raspberries. A very simple side or dessert. One more thing to have on your table is roles with butter and jam. You don’t even need to put jam on the roll, you can make a turkey sandwich. Or eat it however you want.


Things you can keep off the table 

Some things you can leave off your table at thanksgiving can be beets. Almost everyone I know doesn’t like beets. So why waste money on them when nobody eats them. Another thing you can leave off the table is peas. Not many people like peas. One way to find out what to keep off the table is to see how many people like not-so-popular foods. Another thing to keep off the table is canned cranberry sauce. Honestly, I did not know what cranberry sauce was until I watched a show on T.V. That’s how unpopular it is. You also don’t need sweet potato casserole. Who puts marshmallows on a potato?


Desserts to have on the table

A very basic dessert that is essential to have is a pie. There are many types of pie to buy; Pumpkin pie, Banana cream pie, chocolate pie, and pecan pie. Another dessert to have on the table is what I call raspberry fluff (recipe at the bottom). Another dessert to have is homemade pudding with homemade whipped cream. Put the putting in a small cup with a blob of homemade whipped cream and it’s ready to serve.

You could even make small pies. The store has a tiny pie crust and you can take your leftover pie fillings and make them small. Another easy dessert to make is “easy homemade apple hand pies” 

(recipe posted at the bottom).


Ways to set your Thanksgiving table.

If you always have trouble trying to get all of your Thanksgiving food on your table and still have room to eat. then I might be able to help. If you have a long table then place the turkey in the middle then put some sides around the turkey. Then on the kitchen counter put the desserts. then you should have room for your plates as well. If you have a round table then place the turkey in the middle. Then on your counter put the sides and some deserts.


Dessert recipes

  • homemade apple hand pies

  •  raspberry fluff

Raspberry fluff is a delicious dessert. you take a big bag of frozen raspberries and dump half of it into a bowl. Then use half of a half and smash them then put them all together and mix them then add a tub of cool whip and mix. It should look like a pink cool whip with some chunks of raspberries.

-The reason this recipe is not a link is that this is a dessert my family makes and I could not find a recipe.

NBA Christmas Day Games

This year’s Christmas day games are going to be good and competitive. They have the Lakers playing the Nets, the two supposed powerhouses that should run through every team like it’s nothing. But both have problems that could be exploited. The Net’s have two ball-dominant star guards. Will they be able to mesh because if they can’t one of them might have to go? But if they do mesh that is three 25 to 30 point scorers about 8 assists each and if the other teams decide that they aren’t going to let the big three of James Harden Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant score the entire rest of the roster is filled with three-point snipers so as long as one two or all three of them are on the floor there will be at least one player wide open and all they have to do is hit a three. Then the Lakers have LeBron James, Anthony Davis, and Russell Westbrook. That is three current All- star’s, two former MVP’s and then they have a very well-rounded bench. But their problem is they have zero shooting. And an explosive guard that is slowly declining and can’t seem to get a jumper past the three-point line Russel Westbrook. Then they have Anthony Davis who just can’t stay healthy enough to play a full season but when he is playing he is a beast. He is a good shooter for a big man, a great finisher, good handles, and a defensive beast. And now finally LeBron James he is thirty-six years old and has a decent jump shot and good court vision he is slowly on the decline defensively. Every year he is losing his explosive first step that said he has a good post-game and is doing everything possible to stay at a halt decline-wise or keep the decline as slow as possible. Last year his age started to show after he had injury after injury. The biggest problem with the Lakers is the age of all of their players. The average age of all of their players except for two of them is 33 or older. The Christmas day game with the Nets and Lakers is one to watch if both of these teams find a way to work to their max potential.

The next game that I am going to talk about is Jazz, Mavericks. Now I think that this game should have been The Clippers vs either one of these two because both the Mavericks and the Jazz have become playoff rivals to the Clippers after the past two years. But I still expect this game to be a game that will be very close. The Mavericks and Jazz have had regular-season showdowns but nothing as big as what both teams have had against the Clippers. I expect the Jazz to win the game by about five points. There are no big concerns with these teams like the Lakers and Nets but if they could get some better players around their young stars that would help the team’s move to the next level. For the big matchup of the game, I expect the high thirties to mid to low forties from Mitchell and I expect somewhere from mid-twenties to low thirties with around ten assists from Luka.

Now we have the Hawks and the Knicks. Last year they both had unexpected playoff berths as two middle seeded teams being the fourth and fifth seed’s. Everyone expected the Knicks to walk away with the series but they did what they do best they choked. Their best player Julies Randle couldn’t make a shot to save his life and they fell apart defensively they were the best defensive team in the league. But that doesn’t mean the Hawks would have lost if they played normally because Trae Young was cooking and he wouldn’t miss if he tried. John Collins was dunking everything inside the Hawks were just on a whole nother level. But I think the Knicks are going to want some revenge after what happened in the playoffs. I think this game is going to be good but most importantly the matchup. I think Trae Young has thirty to forty with some assists and I think that Julies Randle will have mid-twenties to thirty with two blocks a steal and some rebounds. I expect the Hawks to win but it will be a fun game.
Next, we have the Warriors and Suns. This game is going to be insane outside of the fact that they have no existing rivalry outside of Steph and Paul who have been going at each other for years. The Warriors are coming off a season where Steph couldn’t be stopped. He averaged 32 a game THIRTY-TWO. That is insane. He is the oldest player in NBA history to average that he had an entire month where he scored thirty or more that is insane. He didn’t have much help last year and missed the playoffs while Chris Paul went to the finals. I think that Chris Paul and Steph are going to duel. I expect forty to fifty from Curry and a double-double from Chris Paul. But the scoring duel is going to be Curry and Booker. But the Warriors have newly acquired rookie Jonathan Kuminga who is a defensive hound so we will just have to see how fast Kuminga adapts to be the top scorer in the league.

Last but not least we have the Celtics and the Bucks. This game is going to be good. We have last year’s NBA champions in the Milwaukee Buck and we have a team with a first-round exit to the Nets in last year’s playoffs the Celtics. Now, this doesn’t seem interesting but the Celtics had their second-best player Jalen Brown go down right before the playoffs with a torn wrist ligament so even if they managed to beat the Nets without him they wouldn’t have gotten him back for the finals. But last year the Celtics had lots of injuries and a lot of players go down to Covid, but in the middle part of the season when everyone was healthy and on the floor, they were winning games and they were looking like a championship team like the year before but then the injuries and the Covid cases piled upright as the season came to an end. If all of the players can manage to stay healthy on both teams this might be one of the better games and these teams don’t have a lot of weaknesses both teams have good shooters, good finishers, good defenders, good play-makers and most importantly good chemistry both of these teams have been playing together for at least three seasons with minor adjustments to the roster year to year but nothing major. The only problem with these two teams is player health but other than that they’re both really good.

The games that I am most excited for in order are Celtics Bucks if healthy, Jazz Mavericks, Warriors Suns, Hawks Knicks, and Nets Lakers. I think that this year’s Christmas Day games are going to be some of the most competitive in recent years. But that is just my opinion and my opinion is the only one that matters. Just kidding, all opinions matter.

101 on Writer’s Block

101 on Writer’s Block

We’ve all been there at one point, when you write an article and have no idea on what to write about, or maybe you have been writing an article and have no idea what to say in your next paragraph. That is the phenomenon known as Writer’s Block. The Merriam-Webster dictionary says it’s “a psychological inhibition preventing a writer from proceeding with a piece”. And quite frankly, it sucks. 


I feel pretty frustrated when I get writer’s block, I want to write something and when I can’t think of anything it’s rather annoying. Especially as a guy who is a journalist or wants to be one, I am constantly trying to think of ideas for articles to write about.


What are some ways to prevent writer’s block? Personally, I have a calendar. I will organize all my ideas into a list and then spread them out over time to be able to write and make content over time. I always try my best to write it down. A lot of times I totally forget about topics and if I write it down I can find it later and write about it. I ideally would like to spend 5-6 days working on an 800-1000 word essay and I can post it on the 7th, so every week I can publish 1 new article.


Another way to get past writer’s block for me is by not doing anything actually. If I can’t think of anything in that moment, the chances of me still thinking of anything is low to none. I’ll leave and focus on something else to do or think about to kind of reset  and refresh my mind and  I will come back to it later. The way my mind works is everyday I think about something new. There is never a day where I think about what I thought about yesterday. I never remember that. And so hopefully 30 minutes later I can come back and start writing again. Sometimes it will come when I’m not thinking of anything, sometimes it will come when I am writing about another topic. For example, I was writing about the most underrated baseball players at every position, and while writing I realized I could do the opposite; the most overrated baseball player at every position. It all will come at some point.


In conclusion, writer’s block sucks, but you can overcome it. New ideas are the key to journalists’ success, and without them, they have nothing to write about. 

Native American History

Native American History

When people think of November, a few things come to mind. The very first thing that most people might think of is Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. Other things that could be thought of is, no shave November to spread cancer awareness, national novel writing month, and maybe even peanut butter lovers month. There are some important dates and events in November that are less celebrated. For example, November is also Native American heritage month, adoption awareness month, and child safety and protection month. One of the more popular and well-known events that November is known for is Native American heritage month. In celebration of Native American heritage month, it is important to know their history as well as their culture.


A Brief Look at Native American History

Most historians suspect that Native American peoples first arrived in the country around 12,000 B.C.E. Native American people had many different customs and languages among different tribes. The amount of different tribal nations and the number of nations in Europe, Asia, and Africa at the time is estimated to be around the same number. Some cities were also around the same size. Around the end of the ice age, Indigenous people had become very skilled farmers and grew several crops. In 5,500 B.C.E., tribes in Mexico farmed corn and squash, raised llamas, guinea pigs, and turkeys, and they hunted deer and bison. They regularly burned certain patches of land to mark where the pasture was, and the animals would come and graze. Most coastal tribes hunted from boats and caught sea animals, mostly fish, using various efficient methods. In the years after 2,000 B.C.E., some tribes started to develop state boundaries. The tribes also established trade and trade routes, they transported supplies by cargo rafts and other boats, and in South America, llamas were used for the transportation of goods. In some places, territory and government lands were marked by mounds of earth. Most of these mounds were flat on the top, and some even had palaces, temples, or burial sites for past respected leaders.

Next in Native American history is perhaps the most known among school children and other people, it’s 1492, and Cristopher Columbus has arrived in the Americas. The Europeans brought with them diseases like measles and smallpox that spread quickly, wiping out most of the population of cities at a time. The invaders colonized land as the population of Europeans started to overpower the population of Native peoples. This resulted in battles over the land in which the colonizers had the advantage. Europeans had three main advantages one, they were immune to the diseases that the Native Americans were affected by as they had brought them there. Two, the colonizers had more advanced weaponry than the Native peoples. Three, more descendants of European colonizers meant more settlements that needed building. The population of white Americans soon outnumbered the number of Indigenous people. The colonizers forced Native American peoples out of their land, and many people profited off of Indigenous people. The Europeans threatened Native Americans’ way of life and their culture.


The Trail of Tears

The Trail of Tears was a very significant part of Native American history. At the start of the 1830s, around 125,000 Native Americans lived in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and Florida. By the end of the 1830s, there were very few Indigenous people living in the South Eastern United States. European settlers wanted the Native people’s land to grow cotton. So, the U.S. government forced Native citizens living on that land to walk hundreds of miles across the Mississippi River to “Indian Territory”. One leader of one of the Native American tribes described the walk as “a trail of tears and death.” from which the trail gets its name.
The walk was more than 5,043 miles long and stretched across nine different states. Those nine states are Alabama, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, and North Carolina. The government often agreed to the movement and even enforced the effort.

In 1830, president Andrew Jackson, a long-time supporter of the act, signed the “Indian Removal Act”. This made it so that the U.S. government could tell Native Peoples to go from the land east of the Mississippi River where they lived to the land west of it. This land was called the “Indian Colonization Zone”. The act also enforced that Native Americans could choose to do this and wouldn’t be forced to go west. This rule, of course, was completely ignored in 1831. In winter of that year, the Choctaw people were forced to walk the trail of tears, chained up, in double file.

The removal of Indigenous peoples continued in later years. In 1836, the Creeks left to the west. 15,000 people left, and only 11,500 Creek people reached the final destination. By 1838, 2,000 Cherokee people had left, so Winfield Scott was sent along with 7,000 soldiers to get the rest and move them west. Scott and his men then forced Cherokee people into an enclosed area at Bayonet Point as if they were animals. After that work was done, they were marched over 1,200 miles to an “Indian Colonization Zone”. It is estimated that more than 5,000 of them died of Cholera, Dysentery, Typhus, Whooping cough, and starvation.

By the year 1840, tens of thousands of Native people had walked the trail. The U.S. government promised their land would go undamaged and untouched by non-native people however, that promise was very soon broken. White settlers took over more and more land until 1907 when Oklahoma was made an official state. Their territory was finally gone.


“The Indian Problem”

Since the very start of this country, American officials like the first president of the U.S., George Washington, wanted to “civilize” Native Americans. This brought what was referred to as “The Indian Problem”. The overall goal of “The Indian Problem” was to make Native Americans as much as White Americans as possible. This involved converting them to Christianity, teaching them about traditional economic practices such as owning land and property, which sometimes meant owning slaves. European settlers also sought to teach Indigenous people to learn how to read and write in English. This later lead to several Native languages being extinct or endangered languages. In the South Eastern United States, there were people of some tribes that accepted “The Indian Problem”. The tribes were Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole, and they were considered the “5 Civilized Tribes”.

Colonizers wanted the Native American’s land as the land was valuable, and they could profit off of it by growing cotton in the areas. The Indigenous residents would not give up the land, so the European settlers took the land by force, which resorted to violence. The European settlers stole property, squatted on Native land, burned down and looted entire houses and cities, and sometimes even committed mass murders for the land.


What is Happening Today?

Today, Native American people are still oppressed, and many Indigenous people have been reported missing, but we, as a country, have come a long way. The population of Native people is rising, and Native leaders are also fighting for their rights in politics and other areas. Their culture and traditions are also being more respected and recognized as concern and awareness of human rights are being more seen. We still have a long way to go until Indigenous people are treated like human beings, but we can start by spreading awareness and accepting Native American people as people because that is what they are.

Jingle All the Way

Jingle All the Way

Everybody loves wintertime because it’s a time of fun playing in the snow building snowman, building igloos, drinking warm hot chocolate, the fun music, decorating, and looking at the lights well the best holiday ever is in this season and that holiday is Christmas or Hanukkah depending on your family’s culture. Christmas is a very joyful holiday filled with spending time with family and friends, drinking cocoa or cider, watching romantic Christmas movies and funny Christmas movies. Christmas is also a time for music, lights, snow, gifts, miracles, and much more. There are so many reasons why Christmas is my favorite holiday.

One of my many favorite Christmas traditions is Christmas caroling. Christmas caroling is going in a big group door to door singing Christmas songs and they can join in the group and go door to door with them too. Another great Christmas tradition is ice skating. My family goes ice skating every year. It is very fun and I’ve done it for so many years that I’ve learned how to do some cool tricks while skating. My family also goes snowboarding and skiing in the mountains. It can be very cold and scary to go down a steep mountain but I’ve gotten good at it which makes it a great experience. All of these are fun traditions we do but my ultimate favorite is going to a cabin every few years my extended family goes to a cabin that we rent and it is so fun we watch movies play outdoors play games open gifts it’s a very fun time when we get to go but I also love staying at my home for Christmas hoping for a white Christmas. Because there’s no place like home for the holidays.

Nobody gets into the Christmas spirit until they see the lights and they hear the music and it gets cold outside. When someone lights the fire and you’re wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket in your pajamas drinking your hot cocoa and watching a romantic Hallmark movie. That’s when everybody gets in the spirit of Christmas. If you have ever gone in a car at night and went around your neighborhood looking at people’s cool lights and decorations and you see the most colorful full-on beautiful festive lights and you stay parked at that house forever and you can’t take your eyes off that’s when you feel warm inside and you feel like nothing can ruin your night because it makes you happy and it gives people joy and excitement and the eager to make it Christmas already. From then on every day, you look at your Christmas chocolate calendar and look at how many days are left until the best holiday of the year. So if you have never gone and seen people’s Christmas lights and sat by your cozy fire watching your favorite Christmas movie then it’s almost time for you to do those things.

Shopping, most everyone loves going shopping, buying yourself the most amazing new lotion or something you enjoy but something even better than shopping for yourself is shopping for someone else. Finding that perfect gift for your friend will feel a lot better than buying yourself something. Finding the perfect gift takes a lot of hunting through many many stores until finally, you find that perfect gift and you go home right away and wrap your present for that very special person. And they open it Christmas morning surprised and full of joy that their friend has put in so much effort to find you that very special gift and it’s the best feeling ever. So next time you go to the store, think of those special people you want to give that gift to and make their day.

Your best friend is one of the most important people in your life and it is so fun when you get to hang out with them. One of the things I love to do with my best friend is we love going to places together like the mall and Starbucks and other places like those. Especially during Christmas time because you get to hang out with your friend and get your holiday shopping done. We get to find each other the gift we both want and it makes it easier to find the gift they want. My best friend and I like to get matching pajamas for Christmas and watch our favorite Christmas movie together while drinking cocoa and I wouldn’t do it with anyone else.

Christmas parties are so fun but the best part about any party is the food. There are always so many choices and varieties to choose from. There is not always food but there is most likely dessert there, especially Christmas desserts. A woman named Elizabeth Warrentin said that ”The Christmas season is inextricably associated with many beloved desserts all around the world.” One great Christmas dessert is gingerbread. Gingerbread can be used in many different things like cookies, gingerbread houses, gingerbread bread and so many more. There are many different Christmas treats but that’s one very loved dessert during this time of year.

These are some reasons why Christmas is my favorite holiday. Christmas is not just about the presents and the desserts and decorations it’s also about spending time with the ones you care about most like your friends and your family. Spending time with those people and bonding with them will make you closer to them and help you to grow a closer connection with those people. So this is why Christmas is my favorite holiday.
Merry Christmas!

 A Big Break For The Sci-Fi Nerds in the Form of Dune

 A Big Break For The Sci-Fi Nerds in the Form of Dune

The 2021 Dune adaptation directed by Denis Villeneuve, has been a major success and the sequel has already been approved. As of now, the sequel is set to be released on October 20, 2023. The classic 1965 novel by Frank Herbert has come to the big screen once again and is better than before. After David Lynch’s 1984 film, Denis Villeneuve’s has taken it to the next step. 

The Film’s overpowering success

After being released October 22, 2021, in theaters and on HBO Max, the movie has unsurprisingly been a huge success. As of November 2, ‘Dune has made over $300 million. It was the biggest opening for Warner Bros this year. After its major success, it is no surprise that the sequel’s release date is already set for October 20, 2023.

In terms of timeline, ‘Dune’ the film only made it halfway through the first book. We are left with an incomplete story that seems to just be getting started. This movie focuses on world-building and politics in this new universe. As someone who has never before even taken a glance at the world, after watching this film I feel I have a deeper and more educated understanding of what is going on. I think that Villeneuve showed beautifully the present and future through Paul Atreides’ visions. 

On top of having an amazing director, this film is packed with everything, like an amazing cast featuring Zendaya as Chani, Rebecca Ferguson as Paul’s mother, Lady Jessica Atreides and, Oscar Isaac as Paul’s father, Duke Leto Atreides. Even Jason Mamoa is in this film playing Duncan Idaho. Our main character Paul Atreides is played by Timothée Chalamet. Along with an amazing cast, the cinematography is close to unmatched. Along with filming in studio sets, they also captured much of the film on location. They used the deserts of Jordan and the United Arab Emirates for the environment of the harsh desert planet of Arrakis. 

The great success of the film didn’t come without challenges. When asked what the biggest challenge Denis Villeneuve faced on ‘Dune’ he replied “Dealing with Timothée Chalamet’s Hair. It’s Alive.” – Venice Film Festival


Strong Opinions

That wasn’t the only strong opinion of Villeneuve. He wanted people to experience Dune the way it was meant to be seen, on the biggest screen possible. He encouraged people to watch it in theaters and actively fought against ‘Dune’ being released on HBO Max. In an interview with Deadline, Villeneuve says, “I encourage people to see it on the big screen… It has been dreamed, designed, and shot thinking about IMAX. When you watch this movie on the big screen, it’s almost a physical experience. We designed the movie to be as immersive as possible, and for me, the big screen is part of the language.” 

Though he strongly fought against it, Dune was released in theaters along with HBO Max. 

I think they did an amazing job and I praise their excellent work. With this movie’s success and the anticipation for the next it will be challenging to wait so long to see the desert land of Arrakis on the big screen again, but rewarding when we can get more of the story.  

How to decorate for Thanksgiving

How to decorate for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a holiday that people like to celebrate things they are thankful for. People like to decorate. Today I am going to tell you the places that are the best to decorate and how to do that, so you are ready for when close family and friends come over to gather around the dinner table.

One of the best places to decorate is when people first walk in the first thing they are going to see. This might be above the fireplace in the mudroom or even your kitchen. When you figure out where you want to start decorating, you want to measure out how big the space you are decorating is. This will let you know how big of decorations you need to buy and how much you need to decorate. Once you think you have the right place to start, you want to pick a color scheme for the deco you are going to put up. Most people go with the colors that go with the holiday that they are decorating for. For thanksgiving, the colors you will need to do are orange and black.

Now let’s start working on what to buy for the space. Now that you have the measurements for the space, you know where you want to do your doctorate, and you have the color scheme to go with the holiday that you are going to be decorating for. Now you don’t want to fill the interspace with stuff. If you do it will look unorganized and messy. You want to make sure that you have some space without anything in it. One of the best places to get decor for Thanksgiving decorating is Hobby Lobby. You can find some good stuff at Target as well

Finally, let’s put it all together, you can put all the stuff that you got and put it up where you want to decorate. Mess around with it to get it to your liking. Make sure that you don’t put colors that look about the same together. Putting things with colors that have a different look and different textures will help as well. To make the space look nice and welcoming into your house. The different textures with the different colors can make it look nice. I hope that this will help you make your house more welcoming for your family and friends when they come over and eat a family dinner, this thanksgiving.

No Bake Cookie

No Bake Cookie

The classic no-bake cookie. This cookie has a simple chocolate-peanut butter flavor combo. It has a perfectly soft, chewy texture! These are some of the easiest cookies to make at home. Almost everyone has made some of these as a kid. These cookies are the fastest and easiest dessert for a fun family weekend dinner. This recipe has a little bit more cocoa and peanut butter than other similar recipes. I got this recipe from the Cooking Classy website.


Ingredients you’ll need

  • Sugar
  • Butter
  • Milk
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Vanilla
  • Quick Oats
  • Peanut butter


The Specific Steps

No-bake cookies are one of the easiest things to make. First, you’ll need to line baking sheets with parchment paper or have 29 cupcake liners laid out. You could also just lay parchment paper out on your counter or table at home. 

After that, in a 3-quart saucepan, mix up sugar, butter, cocoa powder, and milk. Then, heat that all up at medium heat, stirring frequently. Then when it reaches boiling point, stop stirring and let it boil for about a minute. 

Remove from heat and immediately add vanilla, peanut butter, and oatmeal. Make sure everything is blended up well. Next, put the mixture onto prepared parchment paper or into the cupcake liners scooping about 2 Tbsp for each cookie. A soup spoon would work well for this size of cookie. After scooping the cookies out onto your parchment paper or into the cupcake cups, let the cookies stand for twenty to thirty minutes and enjoy. 

 If you want the cookies to set faster, you can put them in the refrigerator in an airtight container. Enjoy!


Tips for No-Bake Cookies

Here are some very helpful tips for making No-Bake Cookies. 

  • The mixture needs to be heated to more than a simmer. The whole thing should be boiling or bubbling before counting down your 60 seconds. 
  • Quick oats are a must-have. If you don’t use quick oats the cookies won’t set up right and they won’t be as tender and soft. Also, they will have more water in them which will mess up the mix.
  • Sometimes if the cookies are too moist or wet, boil them for 15 seconds longer next time. If the cookies are too dry, do the opposite and boil the batter mixture 15 seconds less. 
  • You can choose what type of peanut butter you use too. Creamy or crunchy. I prefer crunchy. If you use crunchy peanut butter, add an extra ¼ cup of peanut butter because it will change the consistency of the batter if you don’t. 
  • Real butter is way better than margarine for these cookies because margarine adds an odd flavor that will affect the cookie. 


End Result

No-bake cookies are rich, chocolatey, soft, and sometimes gooey. These cookies are perfect for any season but especially summer when you just want a perfect, chocolatey cookie but it’s too hot to turn the oven on. Everyone will always love these cookies! You can make them gluten-free and vegan. You can experiment by adding different extras like butterscotch chips or raisins to add to the flavor!


The Life of Rose Lavelle

The Life of Rose Lavelle

Rose Lavelle is an amazing Soccer player. Rose plays for the USA Women’s National Team. Today we are going to talk about her life growing up and her adult life. We will also talk about her Career, the Awards she has won, and Cool facts about her. Rose Is one of the best soccer players on the USA team. Here are some things about Rose Lavelle’s life. 


Early Life

Rose Lavelle was born May 14, 1995, in Cincinnati, Ohio. To her parents Janet and Marty Lavelle. Rose has 1 brother named Jhon, and 2 sisters named Nora and Mary. growing up rose played on club soccer teams around her area. She and her siblings would play soccer in the backyard for hours. For high school, Rose went to Mount Notre Dame high school. There she played soccer on the high school varsity team. She played midfield and forward there. In her high school season, she scored 57 goals. 


Adult life

In 2013 Rose went to college at the University of Madison Wisconson. She majored in Sociology. Lavelle Graduated in 2016 from college. She started playing for Manchester City. In 2017 she got drafted to the Boston Breakers. She was the 1st overall pick in the 2017 NWSL. Also in 2017, she started playing for the USA women’s soccer team. She is still a midfielder for them. She is still in her adult life Adding to it one bit at a time. 



In 2017 she started playing for the Women’s national team. So far Rose has played 4 seasons with the USA. Right now Lavelle is 26 years old and started playing for the National team when she was around 22 years old. She plays as a midfielder on this team. Her salary right now is somewhere between $16,538 and $46,200. Rose has scored many goals throughout her life. Most on the USA women’s national team. 



Rose Lavelle has won many awards throughout her lifetime and is still accomplishing more. In high school won the Greater Cincinnati.Northern Kentucky sportswomen of the year award in 2013. In 2014 she won the Golden ball of the CONCACAF women under-20 championship. in 2015 and 2016 she won the big ten midfielders of the year. in 2019 she was named best FIFA footballer award, and won the EFIFA FIFPRO world Xl award. in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, she won the Bronze medal with her team. Rose has so many more awards and more she will continue to win. 


Fun Facts

Rose Lavelle has many interesting facts about her here are some of them. Her number is #16. Her Dominant foot is her left foot. Rose loves to read it is one of her favorite hobbies. If she’s not playing soccer she is usually reading. She has an English Bulldog. Lavelle is pretty short she is “5,4”. She is happily single right now and is not married or dating anyone. Her net worth is around $1 Million. Her real name is Rosemary Kathleen Lavelle. She represented the USA at youth levels for a long time. Rose is named the Nutmeg duchess. Her nickname is Sweet Baby Rose. she is 26 years old right now. She has played soccer since she was 7 years old. In high school, she played on the varsity team all 4 years of her high school career. Her freshman year in high school her team made it to the playoffs. She is still studying At the University of Wisconsin. She is usually always a Starter. In high school she was. You can follow Rose at @lavellerose. Lavelle has 474K followers. Rose was the leading scorer on her high school team ending her high school career with 57 goals. Her eyes are dark brown. She plays for the USA and the Washington Spirit. Her favorite food is Ice cream and Burgers. Her favorite actor is Tom Cruise. Rose also loves to Shop. she has 17 goals and 12 assists on the USA team. Her sponsor is Nike. 

Rose Lavelle is an amazing soccer player. She has made many goals throughout her life and is a fabulous midfielder. Rose has won many awards throughout her life and will continue to add more to that list. Growing up she played on many club teams and was the best in her state. She and her siblings were very close all growing up. Know she is an amazing soccer player that is so many little girls role models. 

17 best press – on nails to try

17 best press – on nails to try

Are you looking for Press on nails that are easy to put on, Stay on for a long time and, have cute designs and colors? Here are the 17 best press-on nails to try. Source information:

Acrylic Nails Unhealthy Nails Wallpaper page of 1 - images free download -

 #1:Kiss Jelly Baby Gel Fantasy Nails.

 These nails are perfect for people who are looking for long, bright colorful nails. They are ombré pink. This nail set also comes with a nail file, a manicure stick, and nail glue. This nail set includes 28 nails so if a nail comes off or breaks you can use the extra nails in the set and replace the nail that broke or came off. These nails are $8 at Target.

 #2:Clutch False Nails Electric Blue.

 These nails are perfect for people who like nails that pop out and are medium length. These nails are a chrome blue color. These nails are not simple or too crazy. They come with nail glue so you don’t have to buy them. These nails are $10 at clutch Nails. 

#3:Glamnetic Nebula Medium Pointed Almond Nails.

 These nails have an almond shape. They are holographic and shimmery. These nails are for people who like over-the-top nails. They can also last a long time if you are careful with them. These nails are $15 at Glamnetic.

 #4:Chillhouse Chill Tips Reusable Press-On Manicure Kit.

If you are looking for nails that have cool designs and are not just a basic color these nails are perfect for you. These nails are medium length, not too long or short. They come with nail glue, a cuticle pusher, and a buffer which is nice and easy and it makes it so that you don’t have to buy them. These nails are $16 at Urban Outfitters.

 #5:Kiss Blue x Rebecca Minkoff Haze Impress Nails.

 These nails are medium length. These nails are really cute and not too simple. The nails are mostly blue but some of the nails are a holographic chrome color too. These nails are $9 at Ulta Beauty.

 #6:Dashing Diva Happy Medium Press-On Nails.

These nails look accurate to real gel nails. They are a tan color but on the tips, they are different pastel colors. They can last for a while if you are careful with them. It does not come with glue so you will have to buy some to put on the nails. These nails are $6 at Dashing Diva.


Simple nails

 #7:Claire’s White Daisy Coffin Faux Nail Set.

These nails are perfect for people who don’t like overly long nails. These nails are the perfect length. The designs are daisies, Which are cute for spring or summer. These nails are not too expensive and they are on sale at Claire’s.

#8:Impress Press-on Manicure x OPI Collection in Strawberry Margarita.

These nails are perfect for people that are looking for nails that are also not too long and are just basic and cute. They are good for doing everyday things without having trouble because your nails are too long to type, put on your clothes, etc. You can get these nails at Ulta beauty for $10. 

 #9:Wanderlies Light Green Press-On Nails.

These nails are handmade and cute. They are shorter nails that are cute and not crazy. These nails also come in different colors and shapes. They are of good quality and have colors for every season. These nails are $10 on Etsy.

 #10:Shrine false nail set.

 These nails are short and have a cute simple design. These nails are french tips with a zebra design on the tip. If you are looking for another simple cute nail set these are the perfect ones for you. These nails are $16 at Urban Outfitters.

 #11:Socu Acrylic Matte Press-On Nails (8-Pack).

 These nails are perfect for anybody. They can last you a long time with how many nails it comes with. The shades are cute and simple; they are matte shades. The nails are medium length. They are kind of long but not too long. These nails are $13 on Amazon.

 #12:Static Nails UO Exclusive Reusable Pop-On Manicure Kit.

 These nails are short and they have a cheetah print design. These nails are perfect for people who like nails that have unique designs and that are short and simple. It comes with 12 nails. They have an oval shape. These nails are $16 at Static Nails. 

 #13:Dashing Diva Homecoming Press On Nail Kit.

 These nails are good for people who like the simple, short press – french tips. They make your nails look natural and simple. They have a square shape. These nails are $8 at Sally Beauty.

 #14:Vanity Table Indigo Nails.

These nails are an oval shape and short. They are an Indigo color which is perfect for people who prefer short nails with a Dashing Diva Happy Medium Press-On Nails Simple color and shape. These nails are $12 at Vanity Table.

#15:Marmalade Nails 1969 Press-Ons.

 These nails are really cute. They are medium length and have a sharp oval shape. They have a cute, retro touch to them. These nails are $14 at Marmalade Nails.

#16:Kiss 100 Full Cover Nails.

These nails are just clear so you can paint them with your nail polish if you prefer doing that. It comes with nail glue. You can get these nails in many different shapes and sizes. These nails are a square shape. These nails are $5 on Amazon.

 #17:Leluxx Beauty Nude Toe Press-Ons.

 These nails are perfect for people who want fake nails for toes that are not too long. These nails are a nude color so you can paint them. They look natural and make them look shiny. These nails are $10 at Leluxx beauty.  


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