Another Home Alone? What are people’s thoughts and takes

Another Home Alone? What are people’s thoughts and takes

Yes, you read right, another Home alone movie. They have milked it to the last drop but even this is pushing it. After the original release in 1990, they have made 4 others. In my opinion, they should have stopped at one and left the Christmas classic alone as it should have been. The family favorite will be coming back again after the last release in 2012. It was released on November 12, 2021.


The Drive Against It

After Disney announced the trailer on October 12, there has been an extremely negative response. Most say they should not reboot yet another movie and just stick to the 90s classic. On YouTube, most of the videos that showcase the trailer have a greater amount of dislikes than likes. I completely agree with them! One movie was a classic, an amazing concept that everyone loved. Two movies were pushing it but easy to ignore. But then they didn’t stop coming. More and more came out and honestly I haven’t watched them and I would not like to. After ‘Home Alone 2: Lost in New York’ everyone was done. The OG made $476.7 million and it went downhill from there.

The fans aren’t the only ones that have actively spoken against it. The original director Chris Columbus gave his opinions to Insider in 2020 “No, nobody got in touch with me about it, and it’s a waste of time as far as I’m concerned. What’s the point? I’m a firm believer that you don’t remake films that have had the longevity of Home Alone,” he said. “You’re not going to create lightning in a bottle again. It’s just not going to happen. So why do it? It’s like doing a paint-by-numbers version of a Disney animated film — a live-action version of that. What’s the point? It’s been done. Do your own thing. Even if you fail miserably, at least you have come up with something original,” Columbus continued.

Though Macaulay Culkin hasn’t shared his opinion he has disclosed that he will not be in the new reboot. He won’t even be making a cameo.



Surprise surprise, it’s about the same thing as before. A young child left alone for Christmas, a big chaotic family, burglars going for the house, and a witty mischievous child. A press release from Disney shows how the movie is the same.

Max Mercer is a mischievous and resourceful young boy who has been left behind while his family is in Japan for the holidays. So, when a married couple attempting to retrieve a priceless heirloom set their sights on the Mercer family’s home, it is up to Max to protect it from the trespassers…and he will do whatever it takes to keep them out. Hilarious hijinks of epic proportions ensued, but despite the absolute chaos, Max comes to realize that there is no place like home sweet home.

As you can see, it is the same. Max (Archie Yates) does the same thing as Macaulay Culkin except for having new tricks and traps.


My Opinion

     So I watched it, and as expected it was bad. I didn’t like the concept at all, and I disliked how the movie ended. The acting wasn’t good at all, and the storyline was strange and not at all realistic. Yes, the whole concept is unrealistic but it was very very out there. While I disliked it as a whole, some parts such as the trap with the treadmill, and the references to the original movie did make it better. That was about all I liked about it though. Overall it was just a failed attempt to redo the classic. It was overdone and too confident. Even if there had been no original and ‘Home Sweet Home Alone’ was a new concept, I must say I still wouldn’t have liked it. Maybe it’s all an inside joke about ruffling the feathers of the fans by continuing to make more of the same movie. I hope so because this movie was a joke. 

Reasons why homework sucks

Reasons why homework sucks

Nobody likes homework and believe it or not homework has many cons. Homework is harmful to health, takes away important time, causes lots of frustration, and takes away the desire to learn. 


Harmful to health

To begin, homework is very harmful to health. Too much homework causes lots of stress, sometimes stress can be good but in this case, it’s harmful to us and our health. If you’re under stress a lot you will start to experience physical and emotional problems. Physical problems include headaches, upset stomach, high blood pressure, and chest pain. Emotional problems include anxiety, depression, and even panic attacks.

Homework is the main cause of stress. Getting homework done on time and not understanding it can cause lots of stress and affect students’ health in negative ways.

Another way homework affects health is it causes students to stay up late and not get enough sleep. Students will stay up late trying to get all their homework done and because of this, they don’t get the amount of sleep they need. Sleep is crucial to our health, sleep lets us recharge, keeps us healthy, and helps us stave off diseases. Without sleep your brain can’t function properly, you can’t concentrate, think clearly, or process information and memories. All the homework is hurting us mentally and physically.  


Takes away time

Next, homework takes away very important time with family, friends, and time for yourself. Many students take lots of time trying to get homework done, if students had no homework or even less homework they would have lots more time to spend with family and friends. Family and friends are a big part of our lives and homework is taking lots of that time away.

In the article Homework or Personal Lives, it says, “They’re pressured by their parents to do their homework while simultaneously being encouraged to spend time with family, eat, spend time with friends, go outside, participate in sports or other extracurricular activities, and sleep for 7+ hours. Rather than motivating students to master the material and learn efficiently, homework negatively impacts students by taking away from personal time that is necessary for them to lead balanced lives.” This article shows the negative effects of homework and what it takes away from kids. If we didn’t have homework students would have a lot more time for themselves and that would benefit them a lot. 



In addition, homework causes lots of frustration. Students come home from a long day at school and then have to get all their homework done. Lots of the time students don’t understand their homework and this also causes lots of frustration. Frustration can also lead to other problems like loss of confidence, more stress, anger, aggressive behavior, irritability, and even depression. The more homework students have the more frustration and the more likely they are to have these problems. 


Takes away the desire to learn

Last, homework takes away the desire to learn. Normally students don’t like homework and hate doing it and these feelings of hate are associated with learning so students want to avoid learning. For example, the article Fighting a Losing Battle: Too Much Homework Can Interfere with Learning by GoodTherapy states, “The overwhelming majority of homework assignments force children to sit down and memorize facts rather than experience their world.

Not only does this make information more difficult to learn; it can also decrease your child’s motivation to learn. When learning is made miserable, children associate the thing they’re learning with misery and want to avoid it. This is why tactics such as forced silent reading time or flashcards rarely help children learn math and vocabulary.” This shows how homework is doing the opposite of what it’s supposed to do, taking away the desire to learn.


In conclusion, homework has many consequences and shouldn’t exist. Homework is harmful to health and causes lots of stress, takes away valuable time with friends and family, causes lots of frustration, and above all takes away the desire to learn. 

Here is how to live a longer and healthier life

Here is how to live a longer and healthier life

Do you want to live a longer life? Be a healthier and happier person? Well here are 5 keys to do so. 

 Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health held a massive study on the impact of health habits on life expectancy.

 These are some of the answers they got from the study. Using data they found from Well-known nurses and health professionals’ follow-up studies. Harvard Health states that “this shows that they had data over a lot of people for a long period.” It is also stated that they had found data on over 78,000 women from 1986 to 2014. “This is over 120,000 participants, 34 years worth of data for Women and 28 years for men.” It is stated that researchers look at “diets, physical activity, body weight, smoking, and alcohol consumption.”  


What is counted as a “Healthy Lifestyle exactly?”  

 People say that these 5 areas were chosen because they have had a big impact on the risk of premature death. These are the things you can do to have a healthy lifestyle. 


 1. Start a healthy diet, When I think of diets I think of salads, let’s see what they say about diets. Harvard Health reported that” The intake of healthy foods such as Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables, Whole Grains, and omega-3 fatty acids, and unhealthy foods like red onions, processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, trans fat, and sodium.”  

2. You may be asking yourself how long do I need to be working out for it to start doing something? Harvard Health states that “at least 30 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous activity.” 

  1.  What is the weight that is considered “healthy?” “normal body weight is 18.5kg to 24.9kg.” 
  2.  Does smoking change how healthy or unhealthy you are? Harvard Health says that “There is no healthy amount of smoking.” Which is also saying don’t smoke to be healthy. 


  1.  If you do decide to have alcohol here is the intake to maintain being healthy. 5 and 15 grams per day for women and 5 to 30 grams per day for men. Harvard Health says that “generally alcohol has 14 grams of pure alcohol. Which is the same as 12 ounces of regular beer, 5 ounces of regular wine, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits. 


Harvard Health also says that when they research they also look at medication intake, age, ethnicity. 

Does having a healthy lifestyle change anything? 

It has been researched that having a healthy lifestyle makes a big difference. It is also recorded that people who fulfilled all 5 habits enjoyed significantly longer lives than those who did none of the habits. 14 years for women and 12 for men. If they started the habits at 50 years old. People who did none of these habits were far more likely to die prematurely of cancer or cardiovascular disease. I hope you enjoyed reading about “5 keys to living a longer life” and maybe learned something you didn’t know before reading this. I also got this article and information

All about BYU Woman’s Volleyball

All about BYU Woman’s Volleyball

The women’s volleyball team has always been good, they have made appearances in 32 of the 39 NCAA Women’s volleyball tournaments. There’s been a women’s volleyball team at BYU for 52 years. There have been 6 coaches and tons of players. BYU’s most recent season was awesome just like many before it. BYU received the No. 16 seed at the beginning of the season. They opened the 2020 NCAA tournament by beating UCLA. They finished among the top teams and won the West Coast Conference title. They ended the season winning 17-2 and a No. 15 seed. 


Last Seasons Best

Every season BYU has amazing players and this season was no different. Their top blocker Kennedy Eschenberg is an American middle blocker. She ended the season with No. 6 in the NCAA division. She had an average of 1.58 blocks per set and a .435 hitting percentage. Kennedy got 135 kills and led the team with 82 blocks. Their top setter, Whitney Bower was named the WCC player and setter of the year. Whitney ended the season with 676 assists, 221 digs, 48 kills, 28 blocks, and 22 aces. Their top outside hitter, Ballard Nixon was a key contributor to the cougar’s success. She got 239 kills, 133 digs, 15 aces, and 38 blocks. Their coach for the 2020-2021 season Olmstead was WCC coach of the year and the AVCA Pacific South Region Coach of the Year. She holds the highest winning percentage of any women’s volleyball coach. She reached 100 wins in 101 games. 

This Season

BYU’s 2021-2022 season has been just as good as the many others. There team consists of 19 players, Taylen Ballard, Heather Gneiting, Morgan Bower, Kenzie Koerber, Bri Albright, Zanya Meyer, Whitney Bower,

 Taylen Hifo, Alyssa Montoya, Erin Livingston, Abbey Dayton, Kate Grimmer, Aria Mccomber, Elyse Stowell, Madi

 Allen, Whitney Llarenas, Sophia Callahan, Kennedy Eschenburg, and Gretchen Reinert. BYU is ranked a No. 11 seed. In their most recent game, they beat Saint Marys, winning every set. Koerber led the team with 16 kills, and the middle blockers Eschenberg and Gneiting both got 8 as well. Their next game is on the 30 against Saint Clara. Their next home game will be on October 7 against Portland. BYU hopes to continue winning and hopefully earn a higher seed.


Volleyball History

BYU has been keeping a record on women’s volleyball for 50 years, from then to 2018 they have won 1,281 games. The BYU Cougars first made it to the NCAA Sweet 16 1981 and since then have returned 31 times. BYU’s women’s volleyball team was the first volleyball team to be in the NCAA final four in 1993. They have had 2 players move on and play in the Olympics. Charlene Johnsen after playing for BYU went to the Utah Predators out of college as the starting setter. She played 2 years of professional volleyball in Switzerland and Italy. She competed in the 2000 Olympics and after that served as the assistant coach in Nebraska. Mary Lake played for BYU as a libero, and she is set to go to the 2020 summer Olympics. Mary Lake was named the 2019-20 West Coast Conference female Scholar-Athlete of the Year. She was also named WCC Defensive Player of the Year and to the All-WCC First Team. She started every game and led the team to a No. 1 ranking. When she was a freshman she broke the school record with 546 digs. And this summer Marly Lake is just one of the 2 liberos on the U.S national volleyball team. 




The Life of John Stockton

The Life of John Stockton

John Stockton is one of the best basketball players in history. He has the most assists in a season for the NBA. Growing up he was the star of his High school basketball team. He has won many awards in his lifetime. He played in the NBA for many seasons. He also has lots of kids. There are so many cool things about him. Stick around to learn more about John Stockton.


Early Life

John Stockton was born March 26, 1962, in Spokane Washington, to his parents Clementine and Jack Stockton. He has 3 siblings Steave, Leane, and Stacy. John’s dad played Basketball and that’s where he learned all his basketball skills from. He loved playing basketball with his dad learning and improving every day. In high school, he went to Gonzaga Preparatory School. John was the star player on his school team scoring about 20.9 points and 7.2 assists a game in his Seiner year of high school. He scored over 1,000 points in high school. 


Adult life

For college, John went to Gonzaga University in Washington. He majored in Busines Administration. In college, he became Gonzaga’s all-time leader in steals and assists. John had 3,265 steals and 15,806 Assists in his college career. In the West Coast Athletic Conference, he Had the most points, assists, and steals. He had an average of 57% shooting rank. John graduated in 1984 with a 3.30 GPA. On august 16, 1986 jhon got married to Nada Stepovich. He and his wife had 6 kids together. their names are David, Michael, Laura, Samuel, Lindsay, and Houston. John and his 6 kids still live happily together.



John Stockton went to the NBA in 1984. Witch means he was about 22 years old. He was the 16th overall pick in the first round to the Utah jazz. Jhon played Point guard for the Jazz for his 19 seasons. He has the most Assist on the jazz team. His shooting percentage was 51.5%. He had an 83% free-through percentage. Right now John Stockton has the most steals in the NBA. His salary in the NBA was $95 million. He retired from playing professional basketball in 2003. 



John has won many awards throughout his career here are some of them. John won the NBA player of the month in February 1988. In the 1990-1991 season, he had the most assists in a season having 1,164 Assist. In 1993 he won the NBA All-Star Game Kobe Bryant MVP award. in 1997, 1995, and 1992 John and his team won NBA All-Defensive Team. Also, in 1992 he won the Olympic gold. In 1995, and 1994 They won the All-NBA Team award. in 1993 he won co-MVP along with his teammate Karl Malone. in 1996 he was named one of the greatest 50 players in NBA history. John Stockton has won so many more awards.


Fun facts

John Stockton has many interesting facts about him here are some of them:

  • His nickname is Stock Because he is short.
  • He made the most steals in NBA history.
  • If you want to follow john Stockton here is his Instagram account @johnstockton12.
  • He always wore Nike shoes to his games.
  • He played his whole career with the Jazz.
  • Each year Stockton played with the Jazz they have made it to the playoffs.

John Stockton is an amazing basketball player. He has the most assists in a season for the NBA. He has also, won a lot more awards. Throughout his whole life, he played basketball. While he was growing up he would play with his dad. On the Jazz team, he was one of the best players along with Karel Malone. He is an awesome basketball player but an even better person.


T.V True Crime Time

T.V True Crime Time

True crime T.V shows are cool stories to watch in your free time or when getting something done. True crime can be stealing, murder, robbery, etc. In the shows, it can be about justice, how they did it, what was going on in their minds when they did it. True crime T.V shows aren’t fake set up crimes, they are things that did happen. There are a few true-crime series that most people would recommend others to watch so here they are.


Forensic Files

Forensic Files is a 14 season show about technical experts that find every little detail using forensic science to solve crimes. The show follows each murder case to the courtroom for the criminals to receive justice. They interview family, friends, people from the investigation, and guest members to talk about the murder and how they solved it. Forensic files go into detail about how they solved the murder using forensic science. The show started on April 23, 1996, and ended on June 17, 2011. The creator of the show was Paul Downing and the writers were Paul Downing, Tom Jennings, Vince Sherry, William J. Flood, and Michelle Katz. Finally, about 93% liked the show and 7% disliked the show.


Criminal Minds

Next is Criminal Minds, the show is 15 seasons long and is about the FBI getting into the minds of the criminals and trying to outsmart them before the criminals strike again. Each member of the “mind hunter” team brings his or her expert mind to pinpoint their motivations and find emotional triggers to stop them. The core group includes an official profiler, he is highly skilled at getting into the minds of criminals. He is a quirky genius, the former media liaison who manages to adeptly balance family life and his job, and is amazing with computers. The show started September 22, 2005, and ended in 2020 on February 19th. Lastly, 6% didn’t like the show while 94% did enjoy the t.v show.


The Vow

The Vow is 1 season, the show is about the experiences of people deeply involved in a self-improvement group, the NXIVM. It is an organization under siege with charges including racketeering conspiracy brought against its highest members and founder Keith Raniere. About 84% of people liked the show and 16% did not. It began on August 23, 2020, and it is still going to this day. Finally, the producer and creators of the show are Victor Buhler, Jehane Noujaim, and Karim Amer.


Fear City

Last but not least Fear City, is also 1 season long and it is about the mafia. Five Mafia families controlled New York in the 1970s and ’80s until a group of federal agents worked to take them down. The show has been running since July 22, 2020. The show even got its movie called, “Fear City: New York v.s The Mafia” The producer is Bernadette Higgins and the show has a few nominations and Awards for the British Academy Television Craft Award for Titles & Graphic Identity. Finally, about 62% enjoyed the t.v series while 38% disliked it.



In conclusion, these are very popular and amazing true crime t.v shows. Watching it all go down with the evidence, the twists, and turns, and just knowing that they receive their justice is incredible. It’s amazing to watch it all unfold in front of your eyes. From Fear City to Forensic files it is truly amazing how we have found ways to deal with these situations. In the end, true crime shows are one of the best series to watch, if you run out of t.v. show to watch, start with these.

The top 5 best places to visit during christmas

The top 5 best places to visit during christmas

Where should I go for the best Holiday? Well, I can help you here are the top 5 best places to visit during Christmas, New York, Jackson hole, London, Bavaria Germany, Santa Claus village. These are all beautiful places in their own way and have some really fun things to do!


New York

There is nothing better than Christmas in New York. There are beautiful lights, impressive trees, a stop for some hot cocoa, and enjoy this beautiful setting and the best places to shop. It brings that Christmas feeling to life. They have all the beloved Christmas traditions. You can go ice skating under the cold winter sky with shining lights and Christmas music galore.


Jackson hole

Jackson hole is a snowy wonderland. And if you like snow this is the place to go. They are famous for their elk antlers and their amazing ski resorts. You can go on a horse-slay ride through tons of elk and see this beautiful setting and Santa comes out every night in Santa square! You can take pictures with him and tell him what you want for Christmas. And they have a fantastic firework show.



London has tons of pop-up food shops during Christmas and they have a carnival which has things for all ages. London is the best place for ice skating where they have bars and drinking places for people who prefer to watch. They have giant decorated Christmas trees that are just amazing to admire. And they have a giant Christmas light show. It’s just something you can’t see anywhere else and you can’t forget about a nice cup of tea. If you enjoy harry potter there is a harry potter show too. Lastly and the best is ginger bead city. That is a childhood dream that you have to see.


Bavaria Germany

Bavaria Germany has the Bavarian forest which has a light guiding you through this amazing winter wonderland. It’s the oldest national park in Germany. The storybook towns and villages look like they are straight out of a book. And of course Christmas markets. They make wood Christmas decorations that are made special to the cutler. It’s a very unique place to visit and you should go just to say that you have experienced this amazing Christmas wonderland.


Santa Claus village

Of course, you have to visit this place. It’s named after the jolly Christmas man himself. It will put you into the Christmas spirit with indoor and outdoor activities from December to march. The northern lights will show now and then and that’s a magic experience itself. This place gets very cold though. And of course, you will meet Santa Claus. And they have a reindeer farm. Speaking of animals, they have a petting zoo, and to go along with that a snowman world.


Those are just some of the few best places to go on Christmas even though the home is the place you want to be on Christmas. Not many can say that they went to these places during Christmas, so be the one who goes there, experiences it, and shares the magic with others.


Collegiate Football bowl games arriving soon, so who is playing where?

Collegiate Football bowl games arriving soon, so who is playing where?

Mid-Season Overview

Collegiate Football bowl games are arriving soon, so who’s playing where is a question we ask ourselves every year. With teams such as Alabama, Oregon, Georgia, and Oklahoma all looking like they are playoff contenders, who will make it to the grand stage?


Season Schedule

A team’s schedule is always planned out a few years in advance, and with the rankings constantly changing, who knows as of right now who will make it, but you can use the team’s remaining schedule, we can decide the toughness, and chances of making it to big bowl games.

The top teams in the predictions for a playoff spot are:

  1. Georgia
  2. Alabama
  3. Oregon
  4. Ohio State


New Year’s Six Bowl (NY6)

For right now, these are all predictions and can change easily over time with wins and losses. But there are many other teams available for New-Years-6 bowls, and that means that some real competition is up. For instance, BYU, a possible NY6 bowl contender. Although slim, BYU’s chances of making it to an NY6 bowl are still possible. BYU needs to win the rest of their games, including GASU, an 87% win. The week after that, USC, the only team BYU should have any worries about, but should still make it past and make it to a big(ish) bowl. But looking at all of this, there is almost no chance that BYU will even get CLOSE to making it to the playoffs.

The NY6 games are the biggest college football games of the year, these six bowl games include: 

Rose Bowl — Big Ten #1 vs. Pac-12 #1 (Michigan State VS Oregon)

Sugar Bowl — SEC #1 vs. Big 12 #1 (Alabama VS Oklahoma State)

Orange Bowl — ACC #1 vs. SEC #2, Big Ten #2, or Notre Dame (Georgia VS Cincinnati)

Cotton Bowl — at-large or “Group of Five” (committee selection) (Oklahoma vs Ohio State)

Fiesta Bowl — at-large or “Group of Five” (committee selection) (Texas A&M VS Notre Dame)

Peach Bowl — at-large or “Group of Five” (committee selection) (Wake Forest VS Michigan)


Other Bowl Games

Even though most everyone focuses on those big 6 games, there are still many other bowl games to be played.


  • Bahamas Bowl (Dec. 17) Tie-In: Conference USA vs. MAC Projection: FAU vs. Ball State
  • Cure Bowl (Dec. 17) Tie-In: AAC/C-USA/MAC/MW/Sun Belt/Army Projection: Appalachian State vs. Liberty
  • Boca Raton Bowl (Dec. 18) Tie-In: AAC/C-USA/MAC/Sun Belt Projection: UAB vs. Coastal Carolina
  • New Mexico Bowl (Dec. 18) Tie-In: AAC/C-USA/MAC vs. Mountain West Projection: UTEP vs. Utah State
  • Independence Bowl (Dec. 18) Tie-In: BYU vs. Conference USA Projection: BYU vs. UTSA
  • LendingTree Bowl (Dec. 18) Tie-In: MAC/C-USA vs. Sun Belt Projection: Eastern Michigan vs. Troy
  • LA Bowl (Dec. 18) Tie-In: Mountain West vs. Pac-12 Projection: San Diego State vs. Oregon State
  • New Orleans Bowl (Dec. 18) Tie-In: Conference USA vs. Sun Belt Projection: Marshall vs. Louisiana
  • Myrtle Beach Bowl (Dec. 20) Tie-In: AAC/MAC/C-USA/Sun Belt Projection: Charlotte vs. Miami (Ohio)
  • Famous Idaho Bowl (Dec. 21) Tie-In: MAC vs. Mountain West Projection: Kent State vs. Nevada
  • Frisco Bowl (Dec. 21) Tie-In: AAC/C-USA/MAC/MW/Sun Belt Projection: Air Force vs. WKU
  • Armed Forces Bowl (Dec. 22) Tie-In: Big 12/C-USA/AAC/Army Projection: Texas Tech vs. Army
  • Gasparilla Bowl (Dec. 23) Tie-In: AAC/ACC/SEC Projection: Louisville vs. LSU
  • Hawaii Bowl (Dec. 24) Tie-In: AAC/C-USA vs. Mountain West Projection: SMU vs. San Jose State
  • Camellia Bowl (Dec. 25) Tie-In: MAC/C-USA vs. Sun Belt Projection: Central Michigan vs. Georgia State
  • Quick Lane Bowl (Dec. 27) Tie-In: Big Ten vs. MAC Projection: Maryland vs. Northern Illinois
  • Military Bowl (Dec. 27) Tie-In: ACC vs. American Projection: Syracuse vs. East Carolina
  • Birmingham Bowl (Dec. 28) Tie-In: American/ACC/C-USA vs. SEC Projection: South Carolina vs. Houston
  • First Responder Bowl (Dec. 28) Tie-In: AAC/Big 12/C-USA/Sun Belt/MW Projection: Western Michigan vs. Memphis
  • Liberty Bowl (Dec. 28) Tie-In: Big 12 vs. SEC Projection: West Virginia vs. Mississippi State
  • Guaranteed Rate Bowl (Dec. 28 Tie-In: Big 12 vs. Big Ten Projection: Kansas State vs. Boise State
  • Holiday Bowl (Dec. 28) Tie-In: ACC vs. Pac-12 Projection: North Carolina vs. UCLA
  • Fenway Bowl (Dec. 29) Tie-In: ACC vs. American Projection: Boston College vs. UCF
  • Pinstripe Bowl (Dec. 29) Tie-In: ACC vs. Big Ten Projection: Virginia vs. Purdue
  • Cheez-It Bowl (Dec. 29) Tie-In: ACC vs. Big 12 Projection: Iowa State vs. Pitt
  • Alamo Bowl (Dec. 29) Tie-In: Big 12 vs. Pac-12 Projection: Utah vs. Baylor
  • Duke’s Mayo Bowl (Dec. 30) Tie-In: ACC vs. SEC Projection: NC State vs. Tennessee
  • Music City Bowl (Dec. 30) Tie-In: Big Ten vs. SEC Projection: Iowa vs. Arkansas
  • Las Vegas Bowl (Dec. 30) Tie-In: Big Ten vs. Pac-12 Projection: Arizona State vs. Minnesota
  • Gator Bowl (Dec. 31) Tie-In: ACC vs. SEC Projection: Florida vs. Clemson
  • Sun Bowl (Dec. 31) Tie-In: ACC vs. Pac-12 Projection: Miami vs. Washington State
  • Arizona Bowl (Dec. 31) Tie-In: MAC vs. Mountain West Projection: Toledo vs. Fresno State
  • Outback Bowl (Jan. 1) Tie-In: Big Ten vs. SEC Projection: Penn State vs. Kentucky
  • Citrus Bowl (Jan. 1) Tie-In: Big Ten vs. SEC Projection: Wisconsin vs. Ole Miss
  • Texas Bowl (Ja 4) Tie-In: Big 12 vs. SEC Projection: Texas vs. Auburn.

As said before, these are all just predictions, but anything could happen in these last 3 weeks of football, and we could see a new contender in the mix.





Why is it Important to Save Money?

Why is it Important to Save Money?

Why is it important?

Saving money can be easy or it can be hard. When you save money, you are saving it for the future or your purchases. This is important to do because you never know when you could use that money. In this world, everyone is trying to earn money to make a living for themselves. Parents or other guardians have saved money for their loved ones so that they could get an education to provide them a job to work hard on for their future. It is important to save money because money can be used for emergencies, as well as financial emergencies. It is also important to save money so you can provide for yourself and your family without relying on others. That is why it is important to save money.


What can you do with the money you have saved?

Having saved money can be beneficial for you in many ways. One thing you can do with the money you have saved is invest in things you can earn more money on. Another thing you can do with that money is to make sure to pay off your debt as an adult. You can also create a plan with that money and set a goal for how much you want to make in a certain amount of time. Also, make sure to spend your money wisely and usefully. One other thing you can do with your saved money continues to save it until satisfied or spend it on something convenient for you. Those are some of the things you can do with the money you have saved. When should you start saving money?

You can start saving money whenever you choose to. I suggest that you start saving your money now! It is always good to save your money starting at a young age. If you have missed the opportunity to start saving young, don’t let that discourage you. It is never too late to start saving money. You should, especially, start saving your money if you are an adult that has bills or debts to pay. You should also start saving money if you have a family to feed. If your responsibility is to take care of loved ones, you should save money for yourself and them. That is when you should start saving your money.


Where can you earn money?

There are many job opportunities you can receive to earn money. Getting a job might be hard depending on what situation you are in. You can also earn money by doing simple things. For example, you can earn money by babysitting. I especially recommend this if you are too young to have an official job. Another simple job you can have is cleaning other people’s homes. The pay in this task will depend on the owner of the home or how well you clean their house. Finding an official job can be hard, especially if you are still in school or have any sports in your schedule, but with hard work and determination, you can complete this task.


Who can you go to to help you save money?

Saving money is difficult, but with the help of others, you can achieve more than expected. Some people that can help you save your money could be your parents. Your parents can make sure you are spending the correct amount of money. They can also help you earn money as well. Another thing that can help you save money is the bank. With your bank account, you can keep track of how much you are saving. They can also help you from going bankrupt. Those are some resources that can help you save your money.


How will saving money affect you for the rest of your life?

Saving your money can help you realize how many things and opportunities you have when doing so. Saving your money will affect your life in the best way possible. Saving money can affect the way you feel. For example, saving money can help you feel more confident financially. Saving your money can also help you stay comfortable and relaxed in knowing you have been able to succeed. Saving your money can also help you realize how grateful you should be for the position you are in right now. That is how saving money can affect you for the rest of your life.



In conclusion, I would like to add that, you can always save money whether you are young or old, small or big, or successful or not. There is no limit on saving or earning money. If you work hard enough, you can become successful, happy, and healthy with your lifestyle.


Save our children

Save our children

The crime of human child trafficking: and why it’s it a problem

Human-child trafficking is a modern problem and is bigger than ever. People are sold, used for sex, and used for forced labor. There are over 200,000 American children at risk of being trafficked, and over 17,000 foreign children are transported to America a year alone.

The crime of Human child trafficking is worth $150,000,000 a year, something that has been going on for more than 12-14 years in the USA alone. But it has been going on for a lifetime in other countries.

Thousands of men and women are trafficked throughout the world and the USA. We live in a world and in a country that thinks this is okay. 200,000 children are trafficked in the USA a day, and we let this happen.

I know this might seem boring to read, but this is so important to know about. Because if we didn’t know then what kind of people we would be. We live in a world that is blinded by the truth that tells us lies, and false facts. But we need to get up from our seats and learn and teach this to others.


Here are some numbers of the four biggest states in trafficking

What state is number one, California with more than 400,000 kids used for forced labor and sex?

What second? Texas with more than 313,000 cases a year

3rd is Florida with more than 4,000 cases a year

The state is 4th, Utah, with more than 3,000 cases twice a year 

An anonymous person came out and made this statement: “Not a lot of people would care about this, Thinking what’s the problem? well, here’s the problem over 800,000 children go missing every year in the US alone we gotta stop this dismantle system because this is getting out of hand, it’s not the left versus the right, it’s what is wrong and what is right we got to stand up and fight for our children, they would paying us to be blind, to feel into all there lies, it’s time to wake up. and fight the right fight”.

over 90 kids get trafficked in your city a day. Most of them are kids your age, or mothers taken from their families, brothers, and sisters, but what’s sad is no one talks about it. We need more people to get out and fight.

You go ahead and look away, but know you can never say you didn’t know.

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