Workouts that will help you sleep better

Workouts that will help you sleep better

If you are struggling with getting enough sleep then you should use these workout methods and techniques to help you sleep better. When you are not getting enough sleep it may be because of the lack of physical activity each day. These are some workouts and exercises that can help you get higher-quality sleep. 

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise or Cardio exercise causes more rapid breathing and heart rate. This exercise has the benefit of improving your blood pressure and lowering the risk of heart disease. Aerobic exercise is more intense and is measured by the level of intensity. Activities like these will raise your heart rate. Some examples of moderate-intense aerobic exercises include “brisk walking, water aerobics, and semi-hilly bike rides.” “Higher intensity exercises might include running or jogging, lap-swimming, intense bike rides, and physically demanding sports like basketball or singles tennis.” Studies have shown that daily aerobic exercise for lengthy periods will improve your sleep. 

Resistance exercise

Resistance training is also known as strength training helps you build up muscles throughout your body. A mix of aerobic and resistance exercise is recommended to improve your physiological health. Some examples of resistance exercises are push-ups and sit-ups, lifting weights, working out with resistance bands, and other resistance exercises.

 If you want to make your resistance exercise effective the way you can do that is with repetition. Doing sets of resistance exercises that add up to 12 repetitions apiece is what you should perform. Regular resistance workouts can improve your sleep quality. Another benefit of strength training is that it can lower your chances of getting anxiety and depression.


“Yoga is a specific type of resistance training that focuses on posture improvement, breathing exercises, and meditation.” Yoga can reduce stress, reduce pain, and help people lose weight. Doing Yoga can also improve your sleep. “While the link between yoga and better sleep has not been extensively evaluated in terms of the overall population, some studies have noted sleep improvements for certain individuals.” Some individuals get better quality sleep, not so much as quantity. While for some it may not help with sleeping, it can help with mental health. Yoga can improve your sleep by relaxing you and mindfulness. 

Tips for better sleep

The most effective technique varies from person to person, but these tips may help you determine which routine is best for you. 

  1. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time
  2. Exercise daily
  3. Eat healthier
  4. Slow down 
  5. Tweak your sleeping conditions

Going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day “helps set your body’s internal clock.” Along with this, you should avoid sleeping in because it will disrupt your sleep pattern and rhythm. And you should always start the day with a nutritional, well-balanced breakfast. 

Exercising daily can improve your sleep at night and make you less drowsy during the day. It doesn’t have to be super intense, although if it is more intense the sleeping benefits will be more effective. Even taking a walk every day can improve your sleep. You should pick an exercise that you can complete every day and make a habit out of it.

Eating healthier is important because eating specific foods can impact your whole sleeping quality. Eating certain foods can affect how long you sleep and how good your sleep is. You should avoid sugary foods and eating meals at night.

Before going to bed it is important to calm down and clear your head. Something good to try at night would be a breathing exercise that will “lower your heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels to help you drift off to sleep.”

And lastly, change and improve your sleeping conditions. Try to keep your sleeping environment cool, quiet, and dark. Making sure your bedroom is not too cold or hot, loud, or uncomfortable is key. Having the perfect sleeping conditions will improve your sleep quality and help you learn what things you prefer. If you’re struggling with good sleep, use these techniques to improve it. 


Sources: and

Why you should start running

Why you should start running

Benefits on your body

To start, running has many benefits for your body. A few examples are, it can improve your cardiovascular system, help keep your bones strong, and help you maintain a healthy weight. Because running helps your cardiovascular system, your heart becomes stronger which helps the blood flow throughout your entire body. Running helps your entire body. 


Running helps with your goals

Everybody has goals. Running can help you achieve a lot of your goals. For example, running helps you sleep better. So if you have a goal to sleep more or fix your sleeping schedule or whatever it is running can help. Another common example is running helps you lose weight. If you would like even more examples make sure to check out 


Running can improve your mental health

Mental health… Everybody can use some sort of therapeutic exercise to help their mental health. I know not everybody likes to run or they find running an inconvenience; but here’s the thing. Running can be included in your daily routine. Even running in place for a couple of minutes has benefits. The article by WebMD says, “As you run, your heart beats faster to pump blood through the body. The breathing system responds by working harder, and the brain prepares for the hard work. As a result, it releases endorphins, which are hormones that cause what many people call a “natural high” or a feel-good sensation. This state creates a mental effect that helps you deal with depression and improves your mental health.” So, if you’re suffering from depression running is a pretty good simple solution. 


Running can help you feel calmer

When you run you actually boost a lot of chemicals in your brain. Endorphins don’t just help with depression but as well as making you feel calmer. They enforce a positive feeling in your body causing anxiety and stress levels to decline to make your brain and body feel calmer… Better! 


Need motivation? 

The fastest runner in the world is named Eliud Kipchoge. Over time he has stated motivational quotes that can encourage anyone to start running or doing what you want to accomplish in the world. (Got my quotes from 2 of my favourite quotes by him is: 

“Self-discipline starts with you. It’s no other person. It starts with you. Start to examine yourself…Self-discipline is doing what’s right instead of doing what you feel like doing. That’s the meaning of self-discipline.

Don’t make excuses. When you have decided to do something, do it. No excuses. Then you are self-disciplined.”

If you would like to hear more of his quotes check out this link!:


How to have the perfect skin care routine

How to have the perfect skin care routine


The most important thing to a skincare routine is knowing how to do it so you don’t damage your skin. There are specific steps that you need to follow to have the perfect skincare routine.

When to wash your face

You should always wash your face morning and night. Washing your face at night is important because you get so much bacteria on your face throughout the day, so washing your face at night gets all the bacteria off of your skin so you don’t break out with acne.
Washing your face in the morning is good just because you slept at night. Who knows what’s on your bed.

The steps

First, you have to get a clean washcloth for your face, and then get half of it wet. Make sure that it is clean because if it’s not you could just be wiping dirt on your face without even seeing it.
Second, get your face wet with that half-wet washcloth. And apply face wash. You need the size of a quarter amount of face wash. Rub that face wash gently onto your face and let it sit for 10-30 seconds. Rinse the face wash off with the same wet washcloth.
Third, apply facial toner to your face. Take a cotton ball and apply the toner to that. Then you can apply it to your face.
Next, spray rose water mist into your face. Personally, this is my favorite part of the routine.
Last, put some soothing moisturizer onto your hands. After that, spread it on your face.


There are so many amazing products for the perfect face routine. My favorites are Mario Badescu. Prose is great because you can customize a face wash. Clean and clear, and Clarify.
Products are so, so important to a skincare routine. If you have the wrong products your face could break out worse.

Acne problems

Acne is the worst! Although I haven’t dealt with acne problems, occasionally I’ll get a pimple.
Popping pimples can be satisfying and we have all done it, but it’s not always the best thing to do. If your pimple isn’t ready to be popped and you pop it, it can get infected or just sting constantly. That’s no fun.
There are things to prevent acne and help with it too. Let’s start with how to prevent it.
Toner is the best thing to prevent acne. If the toner contains alcohol it is going to sting your face but if it does sting that means it’s working. Be very careful to not get it in your eyes.
Drinking tons of water each day helps a lot to prevent acne too. According to drinking water hydrates your skin. Hydrated skin prevents acne because when you get a pimple it could mean your skin is dry.
The last thing is eating the right foods. It’s ok to eat junk food every once in a while, but eating junk every day might be the reason for your acne. Something that helps with starting to eat better is making a food goal journal. You can write down all of the foods that you want to eat and try to achieve the goals the best you can.
How do you deal with your acne? Pimple patches are my first option for trying to get rid of pimples. You can find them at stores like Target, Walmart, etc. they sell them at pretty much every grocery store. You can buy face masks that are meant for acne. It’s going to sting at the moment but once you remove the mask your face should feel much better.

Rap it up

To wrap up the article let’s just say acne takes time to go away. Acne doesn’t go away right after you do the treatment, it takes a little bit of time. These tips and tricks should help you to be better at skincare.

The best pets to own

The best pets to own

There are many animals you can own and take care of, but some pets can be harder to take care of than others In this article, I will be stating what the bests pets to own are. Some of the best pets to own are cats, rabbits, smaller and larger birds, fish, and snakes. All of these animals are a great choice when looking for a pet to take home.


Why should you take these pets home?

These animals are very different, but one thing they have in common is that they aren’t super hard to take care of. Cats are easy pets to take care of because they are quiet and are low maintenance compared to other animals. Cats are also easier to train. Cats are also a good pet to have if you live in an apartment. Cats also have longer life spans and are very independent. Cats clean themselves, so no need for bathing them. Rabbits can be great pets because they also don’t need to be walked, but that choice is optional. Rabbits also match the time you go to bed or to the time you wake up. Rabbits are kind and mostly friendly. Small and big birds can be good pets because they are very intelligent. They also can stay indoors for long periods, but that is also optional to the owner. Small and big birds are also very social and mostly like being around people. Fish are a really easy pet to take care of because they are calm and don’t make any noises. Fish are also very fun to look at and also fun to feed. They don’t need much as a pet that lives in water. Snakes are very cool and have a fun texture. Snakes are also less expensive than other pets. These are why these animals are better pets to own.


When are the best times to own these pets?

All of these pets have their unique reasons on why they are the best pets, but there is also a certain time we recommend purchasing these pets. The best time to buy a cat is when is it over two years old, This is because it could benefit you if or when you have a child. The best time to get a rabbit is when it has fully developed. This is because the rabbit won’t need its mother to feed it or provide for it, but instead, it can provide for itself. The best time to get a small or large bird is when they are younger. This is because some birds don’t have a long life span. The best time to get a pet fish is whenever, but places that sell pet fish usually wait until they have fully evolved. Those are the best times you should purchase these animals.


Who can you go to to get these pets?

Many places hold these specific animals. Some places you can get these animals are at the pound. This is where I suggest you purchase your pets just because it is better for the pets and could be better for you. Getting animals at the pound can be risky, but it is always a good option to try to give these animals a second chance. You can also find these animals at PetCo and IFA. There might not be all of these animals at these places, but there will be some guaranteed. You can also win fish at Carnivals and Theme parks. Those are some places you can find these animals.


Where can you find the things to take care of these pets?

All of these animals have different lifestyles and different places to find the things for their lifestyles. One popular place people go to find these things is PetCo. You can find these animals and the things to take care of it here. Another similar place is IFA. You can find things for rabbits, birds, and cats. Another place is PetSmart. You can also find these on online websites. For example, you can order things for your pet at Also at as well. Those are some places you can buy from for more things to support and take care of your pet.


How will having these pets affect your life?

Having any pets, in general, can change your life for many reasons, but in different ways. Having a pet cat can lower your risk of having heart disease. Cats also help reduce stress and anxiety. Having a rabbit can help you be more gentle and caring. Rabbits can also be very entertaining. Having a pet bird can be beneficial because they normally are not messy and don’t need much attention compared to other pets. Having a snake might help you get rid of your fear of other reptiles or insects.



In conclusion, there are many animals that you can have as pets. There are easier pets to take care of and harder pets to take care of, but as long as you love and take proper care of your pet, it is your choice of what pet you would rather take care of. All animals are worth taking care of and have their unique features and personalities. Those are the best pets to take care of and why.

Attack on the Asian Community

Attack on the Asian Community


  Ever since the pandemic started, hate crimes and violence towards Asians in America rose at an alarming rate. Newly recorded data by the FBI found that anti-Asian hate crimes went up by more than 73% in 2020. There were 161 reported anti-Asian hate crimes in 2019. In 2020 there were almost double, there were 279 reported anti-Asian hate crimes. 


  As we all probably know, the coronavirus started in a city in China and it then spread throughout China and now all around the world. Thus making it a pandemic. It has made life hard for many people. So many people lost their jobs, family, way of life and many other things that can be very personal to some people. But the Asian community has had it so bad ever since this pandemic started. Elderly Asian people were getting harassed and even murdered just in the streets. It got so bad that Asian people would start disguising themselves in anything to hide their identity. 


  There were many cases that anyone can look into from last year but one in particular spiked my interest, it was about a Filipino American man, Noel, whose face got slashed on his way to work. Noel was standing, waiting for his train and another man came up to him and started kicking his bag. Noel thought the other man was going to punch him until he saw the box cutter. He cuts Noel across the face. Noel said to reporters, “I shouted for help, but nobody helped me.” which shows just how normal it is to see harassment or assault and people are afraid to speak out or do anything about it. Noel then goes on to say that if it was just him that experienced this, it would be OK, but since there are Asian Americans that haven’t survived attacks like this, it is not okay. An 84-year-old Thai man was murdered just 2 days after he was shoved to the ground while on his morning walk. An old married couple, Mr. and Mrs.Lee, said they only go out once a month because they are scared of potentially losing their lives or getting hurt out in public. There are tons of other examples and it’s so heartbreaking.



  In the summer, the hashtag BlackLivesMatter was trending. It is still a very big and growing movement. But it was a little unsettling that no one was talking about the movement “StopAsianHate” Not many people know about it because it isn’t being talked about.


    I have only seen very few media influencers speak about it. The only ones that I have seen speak out about it are the ones that keep up with k-pop or watch anime or Asian’s themselves. It wasn’t until the k-drama “Squid Game” came out that people started treating Asians a bit too well. The Asian community is now getting fetishized because of their almond-shaped eyes and their clear skin. The character Kang Sae-Byeok, from ‘Squid Game” has been “analyzed” because she’s so hot and no one knows why. But it’s really because people can’t accept the fact that someone who isn’t white, can be hot just for the sake of being hot. The actress, HoYeon Jung, is a South Korean model and actress who started her career in 2010. Since she was exposed to the western audience with her starring in Squid Game, people have been analyzing her face to find out why she’s so pretty. But it’s just a cover for Americans’ internalized xenophobia and racism. People just don’t know how to accept that Asians and people of color can be pretty, if not prettier, than white people.


Speaking Out

  Even fans of anime, K-pop, and K-dramas wouldn’t speak out about it or even know about all the Asian hate going around. True fans would speak out about it and hold people accountable but a lot of other fans would brush it off to the side as nothing happened. Even the fans that do talk about it, will make things more secret. There is this podcast called, “Daebak show w/ Eric Nam” if you don’t know, Eric Nam is an American K-pop idol, singer-songwriter, and he has a podcast where he will talk about K-pop, and a lot of the time he invites other idols on the show to talk about their new songs or a recent comeback. Eric Nam did an episode where he spoke about #StopAsianHate. In the K-pop community, everyone keeps up with certain groups and shows and that will become a trend. When Eric Nam posted this episode, no one was talking about it. The only thing I saw about Eric Nam was his memes. It was almost like no one cared about this huge event that is going down. 


  Throughout 2020, Asian people were getting harassed way more than usual because they were getting blamed for bringing over the Coronavirus. In 2021, the Korean drama Squid Game dropped on Netflix and now Asians are getting fetishized. In the past year, the Asian community has been under attack and enough is enough. What’s going on isn’t right, Asians should not have to endure this because they are Asian. 

Teens and phone addictions 101

Teens and phone addictions 101

Teenagers are far too addicted to their phones. Many scientific studies have proven that phones cause higher depression rates, more suicide rates, worse grades and that it ruins your brain permanently. But not all is bad when it comes to phones, there are good things too.


How old?

According to, “According to the latest research, on average, a child gets his or her first smartphone at 10.3 years old. That same study shows that by age 12, a full 50 percent of children have social media accounts (primarily Facebook and Instagram).” This shows that children are being introduced to social media and technology at too young of an age. Social media can cause depression, suicide, a lack of emotional connection, and a license to be hurtful to others. It is different for every kid, if your kid is irresponsible and not trustworthy, then hold back a few years. Why? Because adult content is an issue that is available to anyone who looks for it.

Your kid could also lose his or her iPhone, and who has to pay the bills? It’s not them, that’s for sure. Children develop a need for the phone at all times and addiction. When someone is addicted to something they always need it, if your kid always needs his or her phone it could cause problems in school or with friends. The attention of your child will decrease exponentially because they are on their phone. This could lead to bad grades or the phone being taken away during class. According to “These days, the average age when kids get their first smartphones is around 10 years old, according to Calgary-based parenting expert Judy Arnall, author of Parenting with Patience. But exposure to mobile devices often begins at a much younger age: It’s becoming increasingly common to see toddlers wielding smartphones in strollers and preschoolers zoned out in front of iPads at restaurants.’’ So, in conclusion, it depends on your child.


Benefits of giving your child a phone

There are many reasons to not get your child a phone, yet there are lots of reasons why you should. 

With a phone, you are in constant contact with your child, if you need to get ahold of them while they’re out with friends or if they need to contact you. Along with being able to contact them, you can track them. And make sure they’re safe and where they told you they would be. This will allow you to keep your child safe, and you are reassured. Some other benefits are that your child could be socially included. When a child has a phone they can contact not just you but all their friends as well. But now that they have a phone they will contact their friends and hang out more with their peers. According to “How many times have you rushed from work to pick up your kid from soccer practice, only to get there to wait 30 minutes because practice started late? A phone allows your child to send a quick text so you don’t waste your time. Or flip it and think of when you are running late picking up your child from dance because of traffic. Instead of your daughter being worried you have forgotten her, you shoot her a quick message.’’ Your child having a phone would not only help them but also help you.                                                       

Yes, your kid needs a cellphone. I’m not going to tell you a specific age, but it should be before high school but after 7th grade. Social media should not be allowed until their sophomore year. This way they are connected with their friends, and so when they have an extracurricular activity, you know when, where, and who. When you are older you make better decisions and so will your child with their phone.,begin%20at%20a%20young%20age.


Best Dogs for smaller living spaces

Best Dogs for smaller living spaces

Finding a dog that is suitable for your smaller living space can be hard. Here are a few dogs that might be right for you. 


Chihuahuas are small and great for smaller homes. They don’t grow big, only around 5-8 inches tall. Although they are aggressive dogs they can be really sweet to their owners. They don’t weigh all that much, only around 4-6 pounds but that can change depending on how much you feed them. These dogs would be a great choice for your smaller home like many of these other dogs.


Pomeranians are fluffy balls of joy. They are super cute and small just like chihuahuas. Though they are a little bit bigger growing to around 7-12 inches tall. They weigh around 4-8 pounds. They can be aggressive to strangers so make sure to introduce them slowly to new people. Other than that they are happy and chipper dogs.   


Japanese Chins are playful and affectionate. Japanese Chins are great to cuddle with. They weigh 7-11 pounds and have a height of 8-11 inches tall. They live around 12-14 years and need a lot of attention but not so much physical exercise. 


Yokipoos are so adorable and tiny they only grow to 7-15 inches tall. says “Yorkipoos are considered hypoallergenic dogs for the most part, although there’s no guarantee they won’t aggravate your allergies.”  


If you love lady and the tramp and you want a dog that looks like “lady” then an English Cocker Spaniel is your kind of dog. Males grow up to 16-17 inches and weigh 28-34 pounds. Females on the other hand weigh 26-32 pounds and are 15-16 inches tall. Were bred bird hunting dogs. Live for about 12-14 years. Make sure to train once you get one because a good trained English Cocker Spaniel is a good dog to have.


Pugs are not as light as some of these other breeds. Pugs usually weigh around 14-18 lbs. but that can change if you feed them more often than most. Pugs grow to 12 inches tall. They aren’t hypoallergenic which is a letdown but they are very nice dogs and great for children. They do snore and don’t do so well in hot humid areas so make sure to keep an eye on them while outside when it’s hot. A great website to visit to learn more about pugs is 


If you are interested in any of these dogs I encourage you to see if any places might be selling any of these adorable dogs.  

Top 5 Best Gaming Mice (2021)

Top 5 Best Gaming Mice (2021)

Top 5 Gaming Mice (2021)


No.5: Logitech G502

The Logitech G502 mouse is a very unique one. This mouse has a very unique look that almost no other mouse has. There are over 11 programmable buttons on the mouse, which is amazing. This mouse has a 1ms response time making it perfect for games that require precise movements. This mouse is also wireless, making it perfect for more minimalist setups. The battery lasts around 50 hours, so you have plenty of usage before you will need to charge it. The one major downside to this mouse is that it is very pricey, even for a wireless mouse. It comes to a whopping 150$. If you aren’t worried about going broke anytime soon, then this is a good option.


No.4: Razer Viper Ultimate

The Razer Viper Ultimate is another great option for those who are in the market for a wireless gaming mouse. This mouse has a 20k DPI Sensor, so this is also a great option for games requiring precise and accurate movements. The wireless has low latency, so you are going to get a fantastic response time from this mouse. The mouse battery lasts over 70 hours, making this mouse one of the best wireless gaming mice. Another amazing feature Razer implemented into this mouse, is the fact that it is ambidextrous. Another very cool feature of this mouse is that it comes with a charging dock. This is a very rare, but cool thing that a mouse has. The one downside is that it only has 5 buttons on the mouse. The Viper Ultimate comes in at a better price than the G502, at 90$.


No.3: Logitech G305

The Logitech G305 comes in number three because it has the best bang for your buck. Everyone can see that this is not the fanciest mouse, but what is important is how well it functions for its price. The G305 has a 12,000 DPI Sensor, which is a great sensor for its price. This mouse has 6 buttons, which is even more than the Viper Ultimate. This mouse is also wireless. It has an astonishing, 250-hour battery life! That is 5x the battery life of a mouse at 150$. This mouse has a new Logitech feature called HYPERSPEED. This feature gives the wireless mouse as good of a response as a high-end wired mouse. One of my favorite things about this mouse is that it comes in 6 different colors. Finally, the amazing price. This mouse normally costs 60$, but right now it is only 30$. So if you plan on buying a mouse right now, I highly recommend this one.


No.2: Logitech G Pro X Superlight

If you haven’t noticed already this is the third Logitech mouse on this list. That shows how truly amazing Logitech is when it comes to making gaming mice. This mouse is an absolute monster. The Logitech G Pro X Superlight is one of the most popular gaming mice in the world. Especially for people who play esports. When I say super light, I mean super light. This mouse comes in at 63 grams, so this mouse will be floating around in your hand with no problem whatsoever. This mouse also has a 25,000 DPI Optical Sensor which is nuts. This mouse also features the Lightspeed wireless technology just like the G305. As I said, this mouse is crazy. Unfortunately, it is very pricey. Coming in at 150$.


No.1: Glorious Model O

I feel like a lot of people are going to disagree with this. The Glorious Model O is a mouse that many people say is overrated, which I half agree with. Build wise, the Logitech G Pro X Superlight beats this mouse. But this mouse is insane for its price. This mouse is the lightest in the entire world. This mouse is 58 grams, which is super awesome. I have this mouse, and I am in love with it. It is truly amazing. It has a very fast response time and a really good ergonomic shape for the hand. This is a wired mouse, but that is why it is the best for gaming. It can have a different debounce time, and it makes it perfect for certain games where you need to click fast. It has a 12,000 DPI sensor for good and precise movements for FPS games. The price of this mouse is 50$. Because of all its wonderful features and good price, it very well deserves the number one spot.



In conclusion, I believe that if you want an affordable price and a good mouse, I would recommend the Model O or the G305. If you have a bigger budget, then I would highly recommend the Logitech G Pro Superlight. I hope your mouse shopping goes well, and that you find what is perfect for your needs.

Gateron, the Budget King of Keyboard Switches

Gateron, the Budget King of Keyboard Switches

For those who are unfamiliar with keyboard switches, the biggest switch company is called Cherry MX. Cherry MX has high-quality switches that are a little more on the expensive side, but worth their price. There are many other switch companies out there that may have nicer switches or cheaper switches. Today, I want to focus on the best-cheap keyboard switches out there. That would be Gateron switches.


The Gateron Family

Keyboard switches are represented by their colors. For example; Cherry MX Red, Cherry MX Blue, Cherry MX Brown, Cherry MX Black, etc. Each color switch is different. Some are more clicky than others or don’t click at all. Each key is different so that it can fit your personal preference.


Now that you know how keyboard switches mainly work, I want to show you the Gateron Family. Gateron is another key switch brand, like Cherry MX. Gateron just has cheaper switches, making it a great budget-friendly option for cheap keyboard builds. Many companies make cheap switches, but Gateron is different. Gateron makes switches just as good as Cherry MX, yet they are much cheaper. Which makes Gateron arguably the best key switch company. When I say “best”, I mean value. There are better switches, but they are much more expensive. 


The Gateron family of key switches has colors as well. However, these colors are a little different from others. The Gateron switches are:


  • Gateron Reds (Linear)
  • Gateron Blues (Clicky)
  • Gateron Browns (Tactile)
  • Gateron Yellows (Linear)
  • Gateron Green (Clicky)
  • Gateron Black (Linear)
  • Gateron White (Linear)


Ultimate Gateron Switches Typing Sound Test: Red, Blue, Brown, White, Yellow, Black, Green


(Video on each of the Gateron key switches, and what they sound like. This video is not mine so credit goes to Keychron for making this video.)


Key Switch Types

As you can see, Gateron has many options for their switches. Each has a different type of feeling between them. Linear, clicky, and tactile. Each type of key switch has benefits for certain things you will be using that keyboard for.


Linear switches are my personal favorite. This key switch does not have a bump when you press it. It just goes down and activates very smoothly. This switch is very nice for custom keyboard builds, it can have a nice feeling and sound with it. Linear switches are good all-around switches. They can be used in the office, gaming, and just typing and they work well for all three of those.


The next switch on the list is the clicky switches. These switches are pretty self-explanatory. They are extremely clicky switches and have a big bump when you press them down. I own a keyboard with blue switches which are clicky and they are nice for typing. Typing is about the only thing that works well with this kind of switch, it is not ideal for gaming or office work. Just because of how loud it is.


The final switch to talk about is the Tactile. I’d say that tactiles are the most popular kind of switch because they are in between clicky and linear. They have a small bump, and they are not very loud. This switch is also a good all-rounder for typing, gaming, and office work.



As I’ve said, Gaterons killed it on their price and the quality of their switches. I vote Gateron to be the budget kind of keyboard switch. Every switch is valued the same, at only 10$. This 10$ gets you 35 switches, bringing the price per switch to only 28 cents per switch, which is amazing. Long story short, if you are in the market for a keyboard, I highly recommend the Gateron switches. Especially if you are looking for a cheap custom build that will last you a long time and not break the bank.


Top 3 most popular side dishes for Thanksgiving

Top 3 most popular side dishes for Thanksgiving

Do you usually go back for seconds during Thanksgiving dinner? And are they just mostly for the savory side dishes of Thanksgiving? All of these dishes are mouthwatering, and when you hear Thanksgiving you think of a giant buffet in your kitchen! The top 3 most popular side dishes are ranked as 1. Mashed potatoes, 2. Stuffing, and 3. Macaroni and cheese. We all have different opinions about these different platters but most of us can agree that these are great dishes. 


Mashed potatoes

Ranked at the top of the list is the most recognizable side dish, Mashed potatoes. We’ll go back for seconds, thirds, fourths, it will be endless! Gravy with your Mashed potatoes? Well, no problem! I can help, if you don’t enjoy gravy with your potatoes then don’t bother to put any on, but if you like gravy then put as much as you want on it, drown them if you’d like. There are quite a few different types of Mashed potatoes like Cream cheese mashed potatoes, Garlic mashed potatoes, Buttermilk potatoes, and many more options. Be surprised whether or not you can put other things on your potatoes other than gravy such as Crumbled bacon, Sour cream, Chives, Shredded cheddar cheese, and many more! According to, Insider, they state, “Mashed potatoes are a staple side for many families throughout the year, but Thanksgiving is the time for these creamy, fluffy, pillowy piles of heaven to shine. The mashed potato is a beautiful binder for picking up the perfect forkful of turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and (yes) corn. It’s the perfect vessel for holding a big ol’ vat of gravy. It’s everything you ever needed and wanted. It’s the best side on Thanksgiving.” You can’t go wrong with a side of Mashed potatoes! 



Coming right around the corner is Stuffing. Honestly, we could eat stuffing all year long! Stuffing has many ingredients to make it as good as it is, such as different types of Stuffing like Bread stuffing, Cauliflower stuffing, Keto stuffing, and many more! You can even make your stuffing from home with your own choice of ingredients to make it your style of this savory appetizing meal. You can sprinkle anything you’d like on the top like Herbs, Bacon, Nuts, and even more. According to Insider, “Stuffing is a Thanksgiving essential — no ifs, and, or buts about it. It’s savory, perfectly crisp, and yet delightfully fluffy and moist. Sage, thyme, and other quintessential fall flavors are out in full force. Why isn’t stuffing eaten at every meal? We’ll never know.” Like they said this can be any meal you can have any time!


Macaroni and cheese

Right in the third, we have Macaroni and cheese or Mac-an-cheese. This dish is not a Thanksgiving side but it’s a must-have on the table! Mac-an-cheese is made into our personal preferences with cheese on top of cheese mixed in. But it’s the way you make it yourself. Some ingredients and ways that make up this ooey-gooey string of cheese and noodles that just melt in your mouth are, Ultra-Gooey Stovetop Mac and Cheese, Vegan Macaroni and Cheese, and Bacon-Jalapeño Stovetop Mac and Cheese. And many more. There are also different types of stuff that you can put on your Mac-an-cheese like Bacon, Onions, Green Beans, Shredded Chicken, and many more. According to Insider, “Macaroni and cheese may not be what you would consider being a classic Thanksgiving side dish, but for kids and people who don’t like fall foods, it’s an absolute must-have. Few things are more comforting than a gooey, creamy, and perfectly cheesy homemade mac and cheese. It’s a truly underrated Thanksgiving side.” I agree! This isn’t a Thanksgiving dish but it’s great for needy kids that don’t want the other dishes.



The Most Popular Thanksgiving Side Dishes, Ranked ( 


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